True . It happens many times that when we are used to a games. It become an addiction for us and we confuse the imaginary games to be real sometimes making our life more vulnerable. Prevention is better than cure as it says old man.
Yes, I think for everything in our lives (even if it's something good, fun :smile

it has to be balanced. Overcoming is never a good thing. :worried:
I am currently obsessed about get to master Minecraft and I do not know why it has been so hard to me. It is frustrating! I think that's why I have been dreaming about it and not in a good why. Are actually nightmares lol
Why do you want to become a master? Are you that ambitious? :smiley:
About your nightmares, well... They're not real. This is a relief, isn't it? :tongueclosed:
I have never dreamed of a video game that I played even for several hours, I have closed my eyes and seen the screen etc, but that only lasts a few minutes if that, once asleep I dream other stuff. However, when I was younger and did table top RPG's, I use to dream of my character and or dream of the game I ran, sometimes that is where I would come up with great adventures.
I think for you to start dreaming about the games is only a matter of time because the initial step you have already started (
"closed my eyes and seen the screen etc, but that only lasts a few minutes").
Yes sometimes, i've been dreaming about that I become a mutant.a mutant that can be travel in a different time place and location .but i know that time travel cannot exist in reality, well because of my favorite video game the exmen in my dreams i feel like I am one of them hahaha im just kidding.
But this is the great function of dreams, to be able to teleport us to another reality... A reality that we can not -
unfortunately - experience. Sometimes I find it frustrating :triumph:, but it's always fun. :tearsofjoy:
Yes, why not. What's the meaning of life without a risk :sunglasses: we both love this things so it will be fun for us even we will risk the earth :tearsofjoy::sweatsmile:
Oh, yeah! This is what I'm talking about! :sunglasses: We have to be strong and brave -
all the time - to face our enemies. :wink: