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Recent content by RobertNick

  1. RobertNick

    Is Destiny worth getting?

    Get it. Its an extraordinary game. You dont need to purchase the DLC (despite the fact that you can't do a percentage of the strikes on the off chance that you dont). Being under leveled truly isn't an issue. I've been a level 10 who did hits with level 30s and it truly wasn't a major ordeal. In...
  2. RobertNick

    Coming soon to WoW: Buying game time with gold

    A comparable model is utilized as a part of Carbine Studios' MMO Wildstar, which was launched in June last year. The game emphasizes an in-game thingy called C.r.e.d.d. which includes 30 days of membership time to a player's record when utilized. C.r.e.e.d. can be exchanged Wildstar's Community...
  3. RobertNick

    Is PC really master race?

    PC = master race. While the PS4 controller does feel good in the hand, and the games optimised for the console do look good, there's no way they can beat a good PC. The hardware gap will continue to increase and for now the PS4 stands, but in two years it's gonna be outdated.
  4. RobertNick

    Coming soon to WoW: Buying game time with gold

    Ever since the garrisons I've been making so much gold it's crazy, most of which I make sitting around across multiple accounts. I don't think the value will drop much, maybe just a bit when the shock of this being released dies down a bit.
  5. RobertNick

    The Cow Level aka: Rainbow Level

    I like it, and Whimsyshire has good loot. Not a lot, but you can get rather decent legendaries out there. Me and three friends tried it a couple times about a week ago and found 4. I guess it's about as good as Act III on a good day, maybe better, but not by much.
  6. RobertNick

    I think the worst part about terraria is that there's not universal data

    The easisest way is to sync the worlds with Dropbox between devices. Works like a charm, tho the sync time is a bit shabby. Works witch character too, I used it when I was playing at work (don't judge me, I was lazy)
  7. RobertNick

    Is this game still alive?

    I haven't really touched it in weeks, I'm sure people still play it, but I doubt the playerbase is very high, maybe after they patch up the gameplay a bit people will start playing more.
  8. RobertNick

    Do you consider mobile games to be "gaming?"

    As long as you enjoy it, gaming is gaming, the platform doesn't matter, just how immersive it feels.
  9. RobertNick

    Can a Youtuber Affect Game Sales?

    Totalbiscuit should cover some good mobile games too, that would help a lot with sales. That guy can destroy games with just 30 minutes of harsh words. So yes, a good Youtuber can help sales rise or plummet to the ground with just one vid.
  10. RobertNick

    Do you pay for games?

    Depends. I'd rather pay for a full game rather than those ridiculous in-app purchases. I tend to avoid them. But if there's no paid version of a game, and the in-app purchase system offers balanced and good items that don't really ruin the game experience, then why not ?
  11. RobertNick

    Why do you think Minecraft has become so popular?

    I guess it's because it doesn't really have a goal. It doesn't place you in the middle of the map asking you to shoot this or that, nor does it ask you to overthrow some corrupt government, it just leaves you there to do whater you want. You don't build a house because there's a quest that tells...
  12. RobertNick

    Why do you think Minecraft has become so popular?

    I guess it's because it doesn't really have a goal. It doesn't place you in the middle of the map asking you to shoot this or that, nor does it ask you to overthrow some corrupt government, it just leaves you there to do whater you want. You don't build a house because there's a quest that tells...
  13. RobertNick

    Worst Minecraft server you ever played on?

    I used to play on a local server ran by some shady guy that kept banning us for lots of dumb reasons, like building with the wrong wool colours and running away from him when he tried to kill us. Yeah, he was kind of an ass, but it was the only server that my friends liked, to this day I still...