• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by techbeast34

  1. T

    Do you consider mobile games to be "gaming?"

    With the rise of mobile games on both Android and iOS, many people consider themselves to be "gamers" if they play these games, even if they don't play on a different console or PC. Do you consider mobile games to be "gaming?" I see mobile phones as a good gaming platform, but it depends on the...
  2. T

    What mobile games do you play?

    Mobile gaming isn't really my thing so much. I'm pretty occupied already with browsing reddit, I've uninstalled a lot of the games on my phone just to have more space for other media. But I do have a couple, most notably Plague Inc. and Fruit Ninja. I used to have Flappy Bird, but I decided to...
  3. T

    Game Bundles

    I'd like to see more big-company bundles from HumbleBundle. While most games are pretty good indie games, I think they'd be more successful with raising money by teaming up with bigger game devs just because the appeal for getting a couple of really good games for a low price is better than...
  4. T

    Worst Minecraft server you ever played on?

    I've had good servers that have just turned into bad ones. One of them was LibertyCraft, which was a nightmare after a hacker got in. What'd happened is a hacker got in, everything reset. A few days later, said hacker shows up and he's modded. The administrator is on, and I asked why he was...
  5. T


    I was seriously considering it, but honestly, after Microsoft lost the HD DVD, they should've made a new extension to play Blu-Rays, because they could've made more money after it became wildly popular. But honestly, the Xbox 360 wasn't a media console to begin with. It was strictly meant for...
  6. T

    What's a game you'd like to see remade?

    Any games you guys would like to see remade? What would you change and what'd you keep? For me, I'd say I'd like Custom Robo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Custom_Robo) to be remade. I'd probably change the graphics, because they could use an improvement, and I'd probably also change some of the...
  7. T

    Why do you think Minecraft has become so popular?

    I guess it's just how it's been designed for both people young and old. Younger people have an outlet for creation, where rules don't really apply and you can do just about anything, where as older people use it to reminisce over their own childhoods. It's gotten even more popular because of...
  8. T

    What kind of GPU is in your system right now?

    I've got an EVGA GTX 570 Superclocked HD in my system. It hasn't failed to play some of the latest games on high, but ever so often I drop frames a bit whenever it renders a lot of models like people in Assassin's Creed.
  9. T

    GTA Pacifist: Hilarious YouTube series

    Hey guys, for those of you that want to see something different when it comes to GTA, take a look at the YouTube series Grand Theft Auto Pacifist. Link here: This guy's narration and complete seriousness throughout the whole video is the icing on the cake. But also, just wondering, are there...
  10. T

    Is the Wii U back in the console wars?

    A good user base is what makes or breaks a console, and so far, Nintendo's user base isn't doing too hot. There aren't that many good games that people will buy a Wii U specifically for, and the user base is really just a lot of nostalgic adults looking to relive their childhood. The Wii U was...
  11. T

    Ubuntu/linux gaming

    Games on WINE is horrible, honestly. You've got so many games that will partially work, it's extremely annoying. I could get using Ubuntu for developing, and as an OS for power users, but if you're going to game, you've got to use a platform that's being developed for, not the one that's free...
  12. T

    Custom Built PC?

    There are a lot of pretty good build outlines that would cost about the same as an 8th gen console, and perform just about as well too. There's this one build from DIY Tryin, a YouTube channel dedicated to DIY projects. You can see the video here:
  13. T

    Who Even Plays Their Nintendo Wii?

    I still do. SSBB parties with friends is pretty common, and with it also being able to have N64, NES, SNES, and GameCube games, that's pretty awesome. What's even more awesome is now that it's not being updated, Homebrew developers will have a stable platform to develop on. Right now, the Wii...
  14. T

    Worst console flop ever?

    What console do you think had the worst flop? I think that the Apple Bandai Pippin (AKA the @WORLD) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Bandai_Pippin) was one of the worst flops ever. Not enough games, the controller was probably really bad, and compared to the PS1, which was released 2 years...
  15. T

    Favourite COD

    Modern Warfare 2. I honestly think that was the highest point of CoD before it started going downhill. After MW2, the community started getting worse, basically being plagued by immature kids, and the skill actually needed to play CoD games went down after that. Most of the games after had...