• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by tehtros

  1. tehtros

    Where do you purchase your hardware?

    Honestly? Whatever is listed as cheapest on http://www.pcpartpicker.com/ :P
  2. tehtros

    Gaming Screen Resolution

    I also am stuck on a laptop with 1366x768 until I can afford the desktop I'm trying to get. However, I like playing in windowed mode, so I often end up re-sizing the window to 1300x600. It provides a nice widescreen experience!
  3. tehtros

    Best Forum Software

    I have to say that I think XenForo is the best, mostly because I have much experience with both the user interface, as well as the ACP. Overall, it is VERY well designed, and easily customization.
  4. tehtros

    Last app used?

    Jet Car Stunts. I downloaded it a LONG time ago, loved it, but then kinda lost interest. Now that I've downloaded it again, I think it's amazing! If your bored, and like flying-car-stunts-and-crashing-at-high-speeds-simulators, then give it a shot! They have a lite version, available for free!
  5. tehtros

    Minecraft becomeing boring :(

    Honestly, the only thing keeping me to Minecraft is the redstone... Learn it. Love it. Master it. It can be really hard, but if you've got the right kind of mind, you can easily end up making things others can only dream of. Of, if RS logic isn't really your thing, I used to have a bunch of fun...