Nothing much, i am just an old bearded guy that loves playing and at the same time love his family.I love games, i always do. since 1995 i am already a gamer, up until now. remember family computer? i had those, it was awesome being on that era where you have to blow the games you want to play before perfectly fitting it inside your Fam com..
- Birthday
Sep 4, 1992
(Age: 32)
- Location
- Motto
Quitters never win.
- Occupation
You been with GR for 5 years. Must like us.
You've been a member of GR for 2 and a half years, you might aswell live here permanently.
You've been with GR for a whole year! You must like us or something...
You've been a member of GR for 6 months!
Somebody out there reacted positively to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
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