Real talk tho this is really making me want to get ARMA. I love me some clones and it seems like a slightly less cancerous (but still cancer in a good way) gmod rp. Too bad it's 40 bucks so I'll wait for it to go on sale
If you like cod then this is a must buy I'd say. I'm gonna wait on the reviews before I think about getting it because I'm pretty wary of cod games tho
just an update but it's no longer august so this meme competition is closed. we'll be deciding the victors but it might take awhile (1.5 weeks) because its a super duper exhaustive process. good luck
No please I have a family to feed.
UPDATE: I'm reducing my LOA from 1am to 9am. But I'll be on RA from 9am-10am because I surf my phone for an hour after I wake up
Hey guys,
I'm gonna go on LOA tonight from 1am PST to 10am PST because I'm gonna go to sleep. If you have to contact me during that time then steam message me.