• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Soulwatcher

    What was your favorite game on the first platform you owned?

    My original game console was the NES and my favorite game was the Legend Of Zelda. I can not even count how may times that I beat that game. And I was a master at gambling, I could beat the gamble guy every time and I had a endless supply of money and I could buy anything that I wanted lol. :smiley:
  2. Soulwatcher

    Renting games before buying?

    I have rented plenty of games before I buy them. Because if I am unsure of a game I want to try it before I buy it. And a lot of times I end up not liking the game and I am so glad that I rented it first. Because I don't have $60 to throw away on a game that I am never going to play.
  3. Soulwatcher

    Experienced Gamers: Which is your favorite game developer company?

    Hands down Bethesda is my favorite game developer. Their game worlds come alive and make you think that the game world is a real life living a breathing world. I bet I have over 2000+ hours invested in playing Bethesda games and I have played all of their games multiple times.
  4. Soulwatcher

    Keep Minecraft Interesting

    What I like to do is semi role play and pretend that I am a adventure scouting the land for products to use to build a new development that I am working on. I like to pretend that I am developing a major city in a western theme and I like to build small cities and make town halls, banks...
  5. Soulwatcher

    When did you last upgrade your PC hardware?

    Last year i bought a brand new gaming PC. It was a Dell XPS I5 6400, 16gb of ram, GTX 960 4GB , 1TB hard drive (OS) 4TB hard drive (Games). But I dropped out of the PC race and I have since sold it and now I just have a regular email machine.
  6. Soulwatcher


    When I was new to mmorpgs I never crafted and I was always poor. Some years later I had a friend help me out and showed me the ropes on crafting and that's when the money started rolling in. Before I quit FFXIV I was making 1M~2M a day without even breaking a sweat. And I would also like to add...
  7. Soulwatcher

    How does gaming affect your personal life?

    Gaming has been a great stress reliever for me for many years. But gaming is quickly becoming a pastime for me. The older I get the less important gaming has become for me. I would much rather be doing more rewarding things in life like spending time with my wife and going to the moves, going...
  8. Soulwatcher

    First Game

    The first game that I ever played was Frogger on the Atari 2600. I can remember being blown away buy the music, sound, and visuals LOL. I think I was 7 or 8 years old back then and I never seen anything like it LOL. :smiley:
  9. Soulwatcher

    What are some of the best mobile games?

    My two favorite mobile games are Asphalt Extreme and Minecraft. With Minecraft being my favorite game because I can play with PC, IOS and Android players at the same time. I love playing Minecraft online why I am waiting at the doctor's office or wherever I am waiting. It really has pass the...
  10. Soulwatcher

    Before you purchase a game...

    I watch trailers, look at reviews and sometimes I will rent the game if I am not sure about the game. I have been burned so many times on bad games that I don't take chances anymore. I want to know everything that I can find out about a game before I decide to buy it. Because these days with the...
  11. Soulwatcher

    Do you prefer to run a clan or be in one?

    I can tell you from experience that running a clan or guild is nothing but a headache. People are always complaining to you about something and they bombard you with complaints and questions as soon as you log on. Your far better off to just be a member and let someone else deal with all the...
  12. Soulwatcher

    Old New gamer

    Welcome to the forum Myra I am 42 years old and I have played games with people in their 70's. You're never to old to game, the most import thing is not to try to be the best at a game. But to play play your best and have fun. And gaming will be really enjoyable for you. :smile:
  13. Soulwatcher

    How many hours do you play in a row?

    I keep gaming in check these days, I play 1~3hrs a day or not at all. I was a serious gaming addict before I sold my PS4 Pro and Gaming PC. I was playing 10~14hrs a day. But I am to the point in my life where gaming doesn't matter to me anymore. My life is so much more fulfilling now that gaming...
  14. Soulwatcher

    Making money from forums?

    My advice if you're starting a forum to make money then the forum has already failed. It's next to impossible to get a forum started these days and if you start out with ads then you already failed. Because people are going to think that you're only in it for the money. And honestly you can make...
  15. Soulwatcher

    How to overcome gaming addiction?

    Well I will be the first to tell you that your never going to overcome a gaming addiction until you're ready. You have to really want it or you're just going to relapse. You first step is to try not to game for a week and see how that goes. Then two weeks and finally 4 weeks. And if you can make...
  16. Soulwatcher

    What games do you currently play?

    I am currently playing Minecraft 1~3hrs per day. I sold my gaming PC and my PS4 Pro because I was doing nothing but sitting in front of my TV or Computer screen playing games 10~14hrs a day wasting my life away. I now live a much more fulfilling life and I will never look back and say I miss all...
  17. Soulwatcher

    What kind of video game do you like best?

    I love Rpg's and MMORPG's I can waste my life away for hours on end playing those kind of games. I have had over 365+ days played on many MMORPGS. Which means 24hrs logged into the game is 1 day. So that means I wasted a whole year of my life sitting in front of a computer monitor wasting my...
  18. Soulwatcher

    The best games deals that have been found.

    The best gaming deal I found was on ebay. It was when the PS2 was still popular. Someone put up 20 games and 2 controllers with no reserve and a $5 starting price. I bid $5 and one I was so shocked and much to my surprise the guy shipped me the games and controllers.
  19. Soulwatcher


    I never understood why people play this game. My ex wife use to love this game and she would always buy the coins to speed time up and buy seed etc. She would spend hours and hours on this game and I could never understand the appeal of this game. What makes this game so appealing to you guys?
  20. Soulwatcher

    What's a game you'd like to see remade?

    I would love to see a new Unreal Tournament made. But I would like it to be made the old school way. The last Unreal Tournament was a mix of COD and Unreal Tournament. Back in the hey days of Unreal Tournament there was no such thing as camping and that's what they need to go back to. Just...