• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. GlacialDoom

    What are your opinions on this game after time has passed?

    Do you find it better or worse than since you started playing it? Also, what is your opinion on the recent expansion packs? I, for one, think that if you play the game as a F2P or even a preffered user, be ready for a grind fest. I really despise the fact that F2P-ers get less experience, so...
  2. GlacialDoom

    Is the Wii U back in the console wars?

    Nintendo never really wanted to compete with Sony and Microsoft; they are fighting a different war on a different front. I really think that Smash Bros. will mean a huge increase of consoles sold, but I still don't think that'll be enough to satisfy them. I'm sure more exclusives are on the way...
  3. GlacialDoom

    Mario Nintendo's Only Money Maker?

    I really don't think that Mario is Nintendo's only cash cow. They've got plenty of successful franchises, such as Pokemon (which is even a console seller), Kirby, Metroid, Pikmin and last but not least, Zelda.
  4. GlacialDoom

    Xbox 360 Worth getting a 360 after all this time?

    I'm pretty glad to hear that. Which model is it? Did you buy it new or use? Also, which games did you pick up?
  5. GlacialDoom

    Team Fortress 3 ever happening?

    I really don't think so. At the moment, Valve is busy getting rich(er) with CS:GO and DOTA 2, so they're letting TF2 in a state of purgatory that I can see continuing for a long time. Eventually, if they will make a third installment, I hope we'll be able to transfer our items into the new...
  6. GlacialDoom

    What is your favorite model rework?

    I think that the Orc new models are absolutely GORGEOUS! They are so colorful and actually represent these barbaric creatures quite well with those enraged expressions. I also think that the Draenei ones are beautiful too, once again because of the color work on them.
  7. GlacialDoom

    The NES best retro console ever?

    Given the emotional and nostalgical value in a lot of people's childhoods, I'd definitely say it's the definitive retro console, because it provided so many people with so many nice memories. For example, I remember being about 2 years old and playing on an NES clone called Rambo (you could...
  8. GlacialDoom

    Xbox 360 Worth getting a 360 after all this time?

    I have always wanted a 360, but I kept postponing buying one because I always had what to play on PC. However, looking back at the last-gen, I see so many exclusives I haven't got the chance to play and I'd love playing, ESPECIALLY the Halo series, as that is my favorite series ever and being a...
  9. GlacialDoom

    What kind of GPU is in your system right now?

    On my current desktop PC, an Nvidia GT 630. I know, I know, it's not even mid-range, but for the moment, it gets the job done. I've got this about 2 years ago (phew, it feels like yesterday!) and I remember being so excited that I was able to play Skyrim on high settings that I completely forgot...
  10. GlacialDoom

    Steam: The Free Weekend Weekend is live

    This is a really nice thing, even though I own most of these games - I was able to play them with my friends this weekend! I noticed somewhere on their official announcement they mentioned it was the "first" Free Weekend Weekend. I'm truly wondering if there will be more at this time, and if...
  11. GlacialDoom


    I am (slowly) building a pretty nice collection on GOG. I'm really happy I managed to snag a code for Bloodrayne 2 on GOG from an Indiegala bundle, as that is one of my favorite games of all-time. I am really hyped for their upcoming service, Galaxy, and I think it's gonna be an awesome and...
  12. GlacialDoom

    Garry's Mod

    Garry's Mod doesn't really have a "point". You create your own. For example, when I play with a bunch of friends, we usually try to build weird and funny stuff, but this always evolves into a deathmatch - killing each other with the crossbow or the rocket launcher. I have many happy memories...
  13. GlacialDoom

    Hello, I am Darius from Romania!

    Hi, guys! I am Darius from Romania and I really hope we will be able to get along well and discuss many interesting subjects about our greatest disease - video games. I hope I'll be worthy of "Leading the online gaming rebellion" along with the other fellows on this forum!
  14. GlacialDoom

    Just an average Joe on the Internet.

    Just an average Joe on the Internet.