• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

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  1. Saffy

    Favourite class?

    I really like the inuisitor. I am now trying a jedi on my friend's sevrer but I haven't not reached the talents yet.. her bf wants me to heal.. I've never healed on the game I agree the imperial agent story is the best!
  2. Saffy

    The Cow Level aka: Rainbow Level

    yeah I think it's silly.. never knew much about the original diablo
  3. Saffy

    Reaction Time Test

    here's mine :) mind you I am also hearing my daughter saying "it's red.. noo.. "it's green..no purple red no red no green.. " lol she's 2 it was cute
  4. Saffy

    Losing your Authenticator

    that moment when you lose your authenticator and haven't played a blizzard game in a long time and are looking for it... ever happen to you? lol I can't find mine anywhere somehow I have a feeling the kids grabbed mine and placed it somewhere but who knows when I will find it if they did that...
  5. Saffy

    Show off your Hunter Pets

    What are you favorite hunter pets? Which ones do you really want? And show off your favorites that you have! I did a collage of my pets.. I worked hard to get these before CRZ, especially the rares! And thw white lion I had to level a friend's hordie to get that.. note I'd have more but crz...
  6. Saffy

    What do you do when you can't get out of bed?

    yeah, I wish my other half would do that, he was out all day and did bring me tea though..
  7. Saffy

    Character Showoff

    my toons are terribly geared now but I'll take screenshots anyways when I can get on WoW later in the week.. still feeling kinda sick! Your priest and paladin look awesome
  8. Saffy

    What do you do when you can't get out of bed?

    I have recently been sick for a week, I could not get out of bed, I couldn't walk, I couldn't do anything. It really really sucked! Anyways, my question is, if you were in this situation or have been, what do you find yourself doing? I ended up sleeping a lot and playing the DS a little if I...
  9. Saffy

    What mobile games do you play?

    I'm huge on puzzle games that's my thing... I completely forgot about hearthstone though I have played that on the ipad. I don't play the games as often as I used to though, full time student and kids get me more than my mobile devices and Katherine, my daughter has the ipad all the time! So...
  10. Saffy

    What mobile games do you play?

    I have to head to class soon so I can't post too much on here.. and well I'm a talkative person. We have plants vs zombies 2 on the ipad, my daughter is hooked on it but doesn't know how to play it properly.. bejeweled2 and blitz, tetris... umm some other games I can't think of names of because...
  11. Saffy

    Typewriter Art. Very Inspiring

    wow, that's freaking amazing!! It must take a lot of time to do that considering but still amazing!! Of course, art is time consuming..
  12. Saffy

    What is your favorite browser?

    chrome all the way!! I hate IE and firefox is meh
  13. Saffy

    The Cow Level aka: Rainbow Level

    I am unsure of what link you are talking about.. if you're talking about the clan it's seperation anxiety
  14. Saffy

    Post your desktop here ^_^

    that's so cute!! My daughter did that with my phone as a picture of her and my son..
  15. Saffy

    Cats vs Dogs

    aww poor guys! I want more cats eventually but outdoors of course. I just wish my neighbor would be kicked out of his house! People can be so cruel to animals.. he's one of them. My kids love our cat, it's so cute, the other day my cat came inside and went up to my daughter to have her pet him...
  16. Saffy

    PVZ 2

    I like the original, the second is interesting though.. and yes, our daughter tends to use all the coins because she thinks the animation is funny, but that's a 2 year old for you.. and that's why I don't buy things on the ipade
  17. Saffy

    The Cow Level aka: Rainbow Level

    lol I found it with a goblin while leveling my seasonal and no Ray thought they removed it but it's still there
  18. Saffy


    Hi! lol your introduction made me laugh. Look forward to seeing you around!
  19. Saffy

    The Cow Level aka: Rainbow Level

    It's in the game still, you can still craft the staff I have the mats still anyways.. they just made it harder to farm the stuff. It can be fun to kill them but yeah I don't really think it's worth it anymore. It used to give you a lot of stuff and I got legendaries from there back in the day...
  20. Saffy

    The Cow Level aka: Rainbow Level

    yes, it's very very odd, blizzard does some funny things in their games, I swear. You also loot from clouds and pots of gold and pinatas. I think someone was on something when they created that lol Here's a screenshot of the map back when I first went through there on my wizard... it's not a...