• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. burtpovski

    Wall Mounted PC

    You plan to mount the 3 monitors on the wall as well? Sounds good, but I'm not sure how to do it, so I can't help you with that. I've only seen one monitor on the wall before, but never have I seen 3. As for cable management, I think that if you were to put your PC in your desk, it'd make...
  2. burtpovski

    Wall Mounted PC

    I think my cousin has a similar set up. He has his computer monitor mounted on his wall, and somehow put his PC itself in his desk or something. Not really sure how that worked out, but it was pretty cool. It really... compacts things I guess? I'm not sure how many monitors you plan to use, but...
  3. burtpovski

    Do you prefer using a keyboard and mouse or a controller?

    I agree with the majority. It really does depend on the game that you're playing. Some games tend to be more enjoyable with a controller, whereas others feel more comfortable with a keyboard and mouse. But personally, I tend to really enjoy playing with a keyboard and mouse on the computer. I...
  4. burtpovski

    Hi there!

    Hello everyone, and my name is Burt! I've always been a huge fan of gaming. Recently, I've been spending a lot of my time on Minecraft. I noticed that there's a section on this forum specifically for Minecraft, so that got me quite excited! I'll be looking forward to meeting you all! - Burt