• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Truffle

    Saw Gerrera,Rogue One, and Star Wars Rebels

    So this doesn't contain any spoilers for rogue one, but if you remember from the Clone Wars Animated Series and the New Star Wars Rebel Trailer you must likely spotted Saw, which is pretty cool. What are your thoughts on how Saw Never Mentioned A Jedi and a Jedi Padawan in Rogue one to anyone...
  2. Truffle

    Jordan y

    I know, jordan said it after I posted my comment.
  3. Truffle


    No, remember people game rebels are here.
  4. Truffle

    Jordan y

  5. Truffle

    Check dis out

    What about feelings?
  6. Truffle


    /me cries
  7. Truffle

    Jordan y

    I can understand, and @Fry stated about how we should have a Spam Section were Posts do not count.
  8. Truffle


    Ah, will you add Counter Strike?
  9. Truffle


    thissmalltextisprettybigcomparedtoaxiomssmallesttextsmh Yeah I understand
  10. Truffle


    BUT ITS FORUMS ARE canwegetsmallerfontsizeslike
  11. Truffle


    I wasn't implying a new server, just that we have mostly all militaryrps. Most in the Star wars Universe
  12. Truffle


    I wanted to introduce myself 119 messages DAYAFTERTHEFORUMSAREPUTUP luvubb
  13. Truffle

    Nice Generated Profile pic you commie!

    Nice Generated Profile pic you commie!
  14. Truffle


    Hey I exist I made an introduction Now do I get a cookie? I came from Axiom its now like my great great grandmother Not dead just got a new identity trying to cover up their past life after marrying a new person (Game rebels) uhm okay Oh also my names truffle, I like WW2 Star wars, art and...
  15. Truffle

    Happy Birthday :D

    Happy Birthday :D
  16. Truffle

    Jordan y

    Jordan Why did you make it so we can no longer use font that no one can read? I mean the smallest font looks like this yyoudothisyouwerethechosenoneyouweresupposedtobringsmallertexttotheforumsnotincreasethesizeofthem!
  17. Truffle

    What RP do we want next?

    nu neinkrake roleplay rp
  18. Truffle


    But hes jordan, its okay
  19. Truffle

    What RP do we want next?

    mienkrak roleplay rp
  20. Truffle


    w0w promoting game rebels @Jordan must ban Fry rn