• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. The Evonation

    Endless Alert

    Ah, I'm asking because of the whole CW Boss issues that was absent from this post.
  2. The Evonation

    Endless Alert

    Hey @Gray , do you report on drama on the network or just official things?
  3. The Evonation

    Check dis out

    My god... someone who surpasses Wyoming's building skill.
  4. The Evonation

    Fench freyes and borgurs

    Fench freyes and borgurs
  5. The Evonation

    Global Staff List

    Hit me up as CW admin and (trial) Game master plz. It be Riven that I am.
  6. The Evonation

    Yes or No Game

    Hell no Will talon squad ever be added back in @Jordan ?
  7. The Evonation

    Yes or No Game

    No. Will there ever be mandorp rp?
  8. The Evonation


    What ever did happen with mandorp?
  9. The Evonation

    Jam Jelly 1ntr0duct10n

    What will you do now with the 187th removed?