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Search results

  1. Sylar

    Heroes of the Storm

    Really great review! I think what you say about the fact that it doesn't appeal to the hardcore MOBA crowd really hits the nail on the head. For me I really do see how it's competitive, and don't get me wrong it can be really challenging, but it just lacked that edge that LoL perfectly satisfies...
  2. Sylar

    Favorite Game Engine?

    Yes SWTOR was the source of my exposure to Hero Engine. Interesting. I really wanted to mess around with it because, as you said, they had an MMO setup default. Are the graphical flaws something that could be fixed through development? Like making your own graphics and whatnot. Or is it more of...
  3. Sylar

    Favorite part?

    I can definitely see how that would be an awesome feeling. Everything coming together and you can actually start to feel the game become something awesome. Why do you say design is one of the worst parts though?
  4. Sylar

    Hey everyone!

    Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay!
  5. Sylar

    Sharon here!

    Good luck! If you need any help feel free to let me know and I will try and assist you as best I can :)
  6. Sylar

    Is there any room to build?

    Exactly. The question is, what would these mechanics be? I personally cannot fathom anything that hasn't already been done
  7. Sylar

    Solved Delete Dawngate Forum

    A moba that actually looked pretty cool. And then development was stopped lol
  8. Sylar

    Game Rebels Official Console Vote

    I completely agree, and your point about recognition is 100% spot on :) But yeah, as long as you enjoy the platform your on, go for it. The good thing about tech improvements is that almost everyone is starting to game on the same level now! :)
  9. Sylar

    Where do you buy games?

    Haha, true true. A great way to look at it and I completely agree. Gaming is what we're here about, and everyone does it in different ways :cool:
  10. Sylar

    Solved Delete Dawngate Forum

    Dawngate has shut down, I would suggest removing that subforum as it no longer makes sense to have topics on a shut-down game
  11. Sylar

    Where do you buy games?

    Hm, interesting way of looking at it. For me, I like the fact that a lot of games are on steam. Simply for the fact that I like having everything in one place. I don't really like jumping around sites or platforms to play all of my games
  12. Sylar

    Is there any room to build?

    At this point, I feel like MMO's have reached a level where basically everything has been done. I found myself contemplating, from a developer standpoint, where there could be room for creativity and uniqueness. I couldn't think of anything that wasn't already being done by a top-level MMO So...
  13. Sylar

    Favorite part?

    What's your favorite part of the development process? Is it quest writing, concept art, environment building, etc.? I really love seeing all the characters that are going to be in the game, although I have never had the pleasure of creating my own game. I feel like that would be my favorite...
  14. Sylar

    Do you wait for discounts?

    Nowadays I find myself only buying games on sale. There hasn't been a game lately that has made me say "I HAVE to have it on release". I was about to spend the money on the new Battlefront to pre-order, but then I saw all the features they cut and decided I was better saving my money
  15. Sylar

    What is your favorite free-to-play game?

    If SWTOR counts, I'll say that. But I don't know if I can count it because I do sub to it. Other than that League is the F2P game that takes up the next highest amount of my time
  16. Sylar

    Sharon here!

    Yeah :( So hard to find a lot of Diablo players nowadays, that's why I stopped playing lol. I think I even uninstalled it :(
  17. Sylar

    Game Rebels Official Console Vote

    I tend to disagree with you there. Consoles have come quite a long way with graphics, and are comparable to a lot of PC's. Most of the time now you see PC's pushing the maximum on graphics simply "because they can". I don't like the graphics argument for that reason. I understand it, and I...
  18. Sylar

    Where do you buy games?

    I hear that! Why are you avoiding steam?
  19. Sylar

    Sharon here!

    That awkward moment when I thought that text was part of the xenforo default text and didn't even read it :bag: Ah ok. Well good luck! They don't take too long, and diablo is such a fun game, for a while. I play on PC, otherwise I would definitely hop in game with you
  20. Sylar

    Summer Plans?

    Saaaame. But then you get kind of the excitement of unpacking everything later! :)