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Search results

  1. WarVet

    Favorite horror game?

    Are you familiar with the Dino Crisis series? It has been called RE with dinosaurs and for a good reason. It employs the same psychological elements that the Resident Evil games employ but only with dinosaurs instead of zombies. If you like a good old-fashioned horror game you'll enjoy it.
  2. WarVet

    Guild applications

    Let's put it this way: If you owned a company and was about to hire a new worker wouldn't you want to find out the most about him or her? Hardcore gamers take their trades just as seriously as a real job so I think it is necessary yes within reason of course. Some information is too personal for...
  3. WarVet

    Can the Wii be for hard core gamers?

    I think both statements are true. Wii was indeed intended for a different audience and no it cannot offer an experience to match the Playstation or Xbox experience. I think that gaming has evolved. It is now an adult's thing as much as a child's thing. Nintendo has not evolved. While other...
  4. WarVet

    Favorite Nintendo Console?

    True I missed Pokemon games as well. It seems to me they're making a slow but certain comeback. I sorry but I cannot imagine Nintendo dishing out titles of the stature of God of War, Halo, Killzone, And other exclusives. But still who knows what they'll come up with next, maybe they'll surprise...
  5. WarVet

    WHY do you game?

    COD anyone? Far Cry 3-4? It might sound as old man's talk but things in the past used to be better. Take a look at songs, movies and etc. Remaining loyal to the fans is one thing. But there is a fine line between doing that and just remaking the same old games over and over. There are a few...
  6. WarVet

    When Gaming becomes an addiction

    I believe we all have an "Achilles heel". That one activity or game that is particularly appealing to a certain individual. In that sense playing a video game could just as harmful as indulging in the drinking of smoking, even drug use. Life is all about moderation. Whenever we find ourselves...
  7. WarVet

    Entertaining board game

    Yes, that was it.It was hard to keep focused indeed. Until my second game, I was fine but it went down after that. I liked the experience. It taught me the importance of not bragging about victories and accepting defeats as well. I could have taken any other sports like soccer of basketball but...
  8. WarVet

    Favorite Game Mod?

    This reminds me of a certain hilarious mod. Thomas the tank engine in Skyrim: I dare you not to laugh. Also, there are Youtube channels dedicated solely to make videos of Skyrim mods. Worth checking it out.
  9. WarVet

    Are games better with or without clans?

    Totally true. Some games have newbies protection that prevents new players from being killed of mugged. And some encourage and reward kindness to new players. But you said it yourself there will always be that prick among the sheep. It sucks when you depend on other to succeed. I used to play a...
  10. WarVet

    When Gaming becomes an addiction

    I think that, as with everything else, when an activity starts to take the place of other more important activities then it becomes an addiction. If gaming has made you lose important stuff in your life like a job, school or even a person you cared about then most likely you have something to...
  11. WarVet

    Will you buy the PS4 straight away?

    We're in the same boat buddy. The PS3 suits me nicely.; Nowadays I don't have the cash to spend so I turn to the games I already own, Steam or PS3. If you want technology and graphic quality the PS3 is still pretty advanced in those terms. The only reason to buy the PS4 would be exclusives and...
  12. WarVet

    WHY do you game?

    Indeed! Videogames are the cinema of the future. Still, i miss the vintage games. As technology would not allow for better graphics or gameplay it seems producers took the time to develop stories better. Nowadays some games are just dull and cliche. It's not that today's games are bad it's just...
  13. WarVet

    What's your opinion of "Freemium" Mobile Games?

    Honestly, most game developers out there are in it for the money. As long as the game is quality content and not "Pay to win" I don't see a problem with it. Personally, i spend my money with gaming unless I buy the media. That said a little marketing here and there can't hurt anyone.
  14. WarVet

    A game you're currently addicted to..

    Cool game man. Whenever you die you just have that need to try again no? If you like the Soundtrack I would recommend an artist named Kavisnky. Google it up. As for me I just can't get enough of the Mount and Blade series. Especially the Viking conquest edition.
  15. WarVet

    Light or Dark Themes ?

    While I have to say I prefer dark themes all the way, it depends on the content also. I plan on launching a blog about spirituality soon and I'm not planning on making it pitch black for obvious reasons. Now if we're talking about a dark magick site black might just fit the mood :) Jokes aside I...
  16. WarVet

    Chatting while playing?

    Depends on the game really. Some games call for it like CS for defining strategies and such. Other games require a bit more of concentration and the chatting can really wreck your experience. Personally, i don't mind a bit of chatting. Gaming is a social activity after all and chatting and...
  17. WarVet

    Favorite Game Mod?

    Well, i suppose bears are just big squirrels to someone with an arachnophobia hahaha. It would be nice if all games offered modding capabilities as extensive as Skyrim's. Nobody would be afraid anymore (Might not work so well with the survival horror genre haha)
  18. WarVet

    What are some of your favorite classic games?

    I loved Pitfall and River Raid for Atari. For PS1 and 2 I loved the Dino Crisis series and MGS series as well. But I have a classic game that is my all time favorite and that game is Full Throttle. It has just been remastered for PC
  19. WarVet

    Favorite Game Mod?

    HAHA yeah. Also, Skyrim is graphically very well made. It adds to the feeling :( Does the spiders in the game get replaced by something else? Another animal? Or they just disappear completely? Also, there are a few quests that present spiders as bosses. What happens to those?
  20. WarVet

    Do you like sharing your games?

    It's one way to look at things. I've never had a problem sharing my games with friends mostly because I keep a strict social circle so anyone I share with is a person of my utmost trust. I have however been asked by people I considered less than acquaintances to share my games with and I have...