• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Horror Game Project: One Night

    Another "small" update: -Door Lock system added: Some doors will be locked by default and their corresponding key will be located somewhere in another area of the mansion. Once the key is picked up, you head to the corresponding door(s) and interact with it and it will unlock, giving you...
  2. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Mass Effect's Faster Than Light travel explained

    So here is someone explaining how mass effect's ftl drive works. And i found it entertaining. Now here is my thought on how the ftl drive could actually work. (I recommend you watch the video to understand what i am talk about) Basically the FTL drive goes so fast it actually takes you back in...
  3. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Horror Game Project: One Night

    So we now have a pre-alpha video up to show what there is so far in the game!
  4. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Borris's LOA

    As you all know, I am currently working on a horror game, and because of that, i will definately not be as active as I used to because, well, I am making a game. I will most likely be "on leave" until mid summer or possible longer (this is just a guess on how long the game will take). I may hop...
  5. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Horror Game Project: One Night

    Yes, I am making this horror game. Thanks, but just so you all know, the example provided is from a kickstarter of people making a new silent hill game on unreal engine 4
  6. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Horror Game Project: One Night

    There probably wont be... JUMP scares per say. More like the slow mental degradation of your psyche.
  7. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Even more "high quality" entertainment

    Enjoy even more fuckery, some bean boozled for the lot of you.
  8. Osiris Lord Of Memes


  9. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    there will giant man babies with fedoras that will waddle towards you while loudly munching on...

    there will giant man babies with fedoras that will waddle towards you while loudly munching on doritos
  10. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    First floor of the mansion is done, going to start working on the basement

    First floor of the mansion is done, going to start working on the basement
  11. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Shower me in that free tuition

    Shower me in that free tuition
  12. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Suggestion Server Tracker Box

    I guess, but still, it cant be that hard to copy paste and edit the location of a few side widgets
  13. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Suggestion Server Tracker Box

    So I am pretty sure forum devs are working on this, but... when are we going to get the old server tracker box that we used to have that would display the server name, if its up, how many people are on, and the join button that takes us right to the server?
  14. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Padawan Chromasome kek

    Padawan Chromasome kek
  15. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Horror Game Project: One Night

    What mansion isnt complete without a basement or two?
  16. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Horror Game Project: One Night

    And by built, I mean the walls and doors leading to the areas are set up along with some lighting and place holders marking where actual models will go later in the building process. The first process is just marking where things go, the 2nd is adding working doors and adding textures. The final...
  17. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Horror Game Project: One Night

    Trust me its going to be rather large, so far the only thing thats been built is the foyer and the library