• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Guardian

    What do you ...

    Depth of gameplay. I don't want a game I can just 'beat' but parts of it I can beat, and others I have to work towards. Games that make me have to strategize to beat my opponent.
  2. Guardian

    FIFA 13

    Well, it's only a 1 character difference... so no, not really. If that's the biggest change I'll try one of the older ones, or hold out for next year.... or maybe not.
  3. Guardian

    Virus Removal Tools

    No, I get PLENTY of detected issues. I meant 0 issues that have caused me any problems. I go too many places not to have anything happen. :P I have a very carefree approach on the internet, I go anywhere, do what I want, and I have not had any INFECTIONS since using Symantec. :D
  4. Guardian

    FIFA 13

    Do you know what's new since 12? I'm not sure I want to pay full price for a game that doesn't have much changes from the previous version. Give me a big upgrade or change to the gameplay, and I'm down for it.
  5. Guardian

    Virus Removal Tools

    It's fantastic. I've had 0 issues since switching to it 5 years ago. Before I used AVG and Avast and had issues with both. Something got through every now and then. Symantec hasn't let me down yet. I recommend it to anyone, if you can afford it. It is pricy.
  6. Guardian


    Hey there, welcome to PTM. This place is great, hope you enjoy it. :D
  7. Guardian

    How many miles...

    I can go 7 miles, and I do it occasionally. Very slowly. I used to be at the point where I could run a half-marathon, but now I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to anymore.
  8. Guardian

    Virus Removal Tools

    Thanks Melawe. ;) Good to know. Link: http://www.malwarebytes.org/
  9. Guardian

    Virus Removal Tools

    It isn't particularly a 'virus removal' tool, but Malware bytes is pretty awesome. I run it occasionally and it has kept me pretty clean. That's on top of my Symantec Endpoint Protection. Haven't had any issues since i've used this combo. The get caught well before they have the chance to do...
  10. Guardian

    NHL Lockout

    It's disappointing that people that make millions go on strike for a few more. It's also disappointing that people that make millions off of other peoples work don't cough up a few more. The whole mess is annoying. Lockouts kill professional sports for me.
  11. Guardian

    Here Are The First Games That Will Be Available On Windows 8

    Most of the games appear to be tablet-like or arcade style. Not a big fan. I like strategy games and games with depth. So I'm probably going to be waiting a while until I can get a hold of one I like on it. Looks like I'll be waiting even longer until I upgrade then...
  12. Guardian

    Sony Registers 'Console War' Domain Names

    /me rushes off to secure the *.org domains. It's not like it's much of a cost to them, they should have bought all they can. Even .co is on the rise.
  13. Guardian

    What's Your Favorite Football Team?[American Football]

    NFL: Dallas Cowboys, with a weak spot for the Jaguars (They need all the help they can get). College: Alabama Crimson Tide. Roll Tide!!!
  14. Guardian

    Upcoming Technology

    Our world is advancing at a rapid pace. What new technology are you looking forward to the most?
  15. Guardian

    Football Season

    Anyone glad football season is upon us again? Well, American Football anyway.... I'm stoked. :p
  16. Guardian

    Skyrim DLC 'Hearthfire' Announced

    I wish they would release their last one on PS3 before making another one. Must not care about PS3 users. Come on Bethesda.
  17. Guardian

    Playing Girl Character in Video Games...

    I have only created a female character once. It was when I played WoW. Every other one was male. I actually played more with the female character than any other. :P Weird. After that though I still create all male characters. It just feels weird. idk why.
  18. Guardian

    Unknown Graphics Programs

    We all know, well most of us, about Photoshop and GIMP. Besides those two, what other graphics programs are there? You don't hear much of anything else really.
  19. Guardian

    Grand Strategy Games

    Does anyone else here like grand strategy games? From what I can tell from the postings, is most of you don't, but I figured I'd ask. Grand Strategy games are like Civilization, or Europa Universalis.
  20. Guardian

    Congrats PTM - 8,000 posts

    That's awesome. Congratulations PTM! Keep it up guys.