• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Dr. Grant

    Well guys I know I left and soon after realized what a mistake it was to leave. So I came back...

    Well guys I know I left and soon after realized what a mistake it was to leave. So I came back to stay until I absolutley have to leave.
  2. Dr. Grant

    "Howl" - WolfPrince 2K 16

    "Howl" - WolfPrince 2K 16
  3. Dr. Grant

    the edgy reggie

    Damn I only have a glass a day
  4. Dr. Grant

    Dr. Grant coming back???

    Welp some of you guessed it and I even figured it myself at one point that I was going to want to come back welp here I am guys! :) I regretted leaving as soon as I posted the thread and demoted myself so I kinda want to stick around forum wise with you guys until I absolutely can't anymore...
  5. Dr. Grant

    Sad cause I'm not Dr. Grant anymore....

    Sad cause I'm not Dr. Grant anymore....