• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Toxique

    Last Game Played?

    Just finished the Halo 4 Campaign, it was so awesome :D
  2. Toxique

    Ted's Trophies | Would you buy a Trophie?

    Just went and bought a trophy for Ace ;)
  3. Toxique


    *Too stupid, ironic huh?
  4. Toxique

    Last Game Played?

    Last played MW2 yesterday with Fuzed and Cyan, xp lobby until some bans occurred -_-
  5. Toxique

    Wanna Fanta, Don't You Wanna?

    Hey! Welcome to ProTechModz, I had some Fanta today actually haha.
  6. Toxique

    Free XP Lobby [Closed]

    Nice banners, did you make them? Also want me to lock the thread since your hosting account was banned?
  7. Toxique

    Modded Lobby Footage

    This isn't really a PTM Patch, Fuzed just edited it a bit so that it had ProTechModz in it :)
  8. Toxique

    Modded Lobby Footage

    If you watched the whole thing you would know it was made by the xKoVx Team.
  9. Toxique

    Modded Lobby Footage

    That was a fun match, went like 30 in 6 or something like that, thanks for hosting it Fuzed ;)
  10. Toxique

    Photoshop's Design Remake

    I had to edit your posts, you were spelling Photoshop as "Photshop" in your title and thread :p And yeah I think it is your eyes just messing with you, they look pretty aligned to me.
  11. Toxique

    Cyan's Interview?

    Why is it called a "drive through" if you have to stop?
  12. Toxique

    DistanceDesigns Interview

    Why is an alarm clock going "off" when it actually turns on?
  13. Toxique

    Useless but funny websites!

    This is a huge collection of some useless sites! http://www.stupidness.com/
  14. Toxique

    WWDC 2014: Unveils and Releases!

    Nice, I missed most of WWDC so I'm glad I can get an overview of what went down.
  15. Toxique


    Hey man I was gaming with you earlier, glad you introduced yourself :)
  16. Toxique

    Recovery Lobbies!

    Did you change your gamertag???
  17. Toxique

    Steam Summer Sale Jokes

    Post some of your own :D
  18. Toxique

    Inbetweeners 2 Trailer

    "Australia is the sex capital of the world" haha I wonder what Squizls has to say about that (he's from there).
  19. Toxique


    The plot of this sounds really good, If it is on Netflix I will defiantly have to give it a watch. Any famous actors in it I would know of?