• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

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  1. Canadalism

    System Specs

    It can't be that bad.
  2. Canadalism


    Give me some maple syrup eh! P.S: Feel free to msg me bb's!
  3. Canadalism

    System Specs

    Come one come all! Put your specs here on this thread and see if you can top the previous build! Or if you just bought one from Best Buy or some other shitty store just give the name of the computer, idgaf. We're all nerds here!
  4. Canadalism

    Suggestion Mod Folder

    Can we add all the links for the modpacks (CW, WH, Halo RP etc.) into the workshop folder so people can download them at the click of a few buttons.
  5. Canadalism

    Lord of the Rings RP --Development -- Beta Launched!

    If possible I would like to be a tester
  6. Canadalism


    I like free health care and free education.
  7. Canadalism

    Forum Blitzkrieg: Desert Fox's introduction

    Welcome to axiom!
  8. Canadalism


    When shall that be @Jordan ?
  9. Canadalism

    Recent Events

    What's occurred that has them on this thin ice?
  10. Canadalism


    That was some scarring shit @Zesty Zebra
  11. Canadalism

    Il go ahead and try it out

    Il go ahead and try it out
  12. Canadalism

    On KA it makes you not use Adblock which sucks.

    On KA it makes you not use Adblock which sucks.
  13. Canadalism

    I watched all it would let me on KissAnime

    I watched all it would let me on KissAnime
  14. Canadalism


    Sad that it had to go due to all that cancerous shit going on in the shoutbox. But it could be re-implemented under new stricter rules that would possible prohibit arguing in the shoutbox and that they should take it to skype, steam etc. That way the box would be clean and not have any shit...
  15. Canadalism

    I'm surprised it lasted that long

    I'm surprised it lasted that long
  16. Canadalism

    Suggestion Server Tracker Box

    Yeah it's sucks but we will power through it.
  17. Canadalism

    Was I in the wrong or right?

    @Jog @Johnson @TheGrandBanana
  18. Canadalism

    Legit though wtf, it's gone?

    Legit though wtf, it's gone?
  19. Canadalism

    http://www.axiomgamers.com It's in that page

    http://www.axiomgamers.com It's in that page
  20. Canadalism

    11/10 IGN

    11/10 IGN