• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

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  1. Canadalism

    It's "Your lie in April". Fucking tear jerker for me.

    It's "Your lie in April". Fucking tear jerker for me.
  2. Canadalism

    Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

    Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein
  3. Canadalism

    I figured that out a while ago but thanks bb

    I figured that out a while ago but thanks bb
  4. Canadalism

    More you shall have!

    More you shall have!
  5. Canadalism

    Anime is the best, so much fun, drama, action and adventure packed into an amazing season (or...

    Anime is the best, so much fun, drama, action and adventure packed into an amazing season (or even show). SO IN RETURN TO YOUR COMMENT I SHALL SAY: "Sir, you smelly"
  6. Canadalism

    I'm so tired. I just can't stop watching anime ;-;

    I'm so tired. I just can't stop watching anime ;-;
  7. Canadalism

    TMW someone follows you so now you have to post useless bullshit on your status to keep them...

    TMW someone follows you so now you have to post useless bullshit on your status to keep them satisfied.
  8. Canadalism

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Holy. Fucking. Shit. http://vocaroo.com/i/s0ow9VULNswF @Darksnuggles @Johnson
  9. Canadalism

    Suggestion Server Tracker Box

    Oh okay, that's actually really good.
  10. Canadalism

    Suggestion Server Tracker Box

    I noticed it's pretty hard to find some of the servers that are associated to AG. So I was thinking maybe we should have a tab in the website that tracks the servers players, ping etc. Like game tracker.
  11. Canadalism


    I joined early March so I wouldn't know you. :/
  12. Canadalism


    HL3 confirmed. Also welcome to axiom fam.
  13. Canadalism

    Time to burn

    @Scolex @Trisha Demilion™ Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it.
  14. Canadalism

    Trying to figure out how to change my god damn signature!

    Trying to figure out how to change my god damn signature!
  15. Canadalism

    Time to burn

    Oh god, yeah sorry about that.
  16. Canadalism

    Time to burn

    Alright, so I finally realized I am a minge. A really big one. In fact on my staff app a reason why I was denied was "reports of off the charts mingery" and I need any advice anyone can give that could help me not be the mingiest person. P.S: You can say the meanest thing, it's alright.