• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. \\Vexel

    Xbox One Whats your gamer tag?

    GT: I Vexel I , I currently play MCC, Titanfall, Forza Horizon 2(when the mood strikes), Neverwinter and hopefully ESO in about a week or so.
  2. \\Vexel

    Post your setup.

    This is my current set up, I will be replacing my monitor with a 27 inch in a week or so and putting it on a mount so I will take another pic when I get that done, and I will also be redoing my cable managment in my case as soon as I get my new sleeved cables from corsair.
  3. \\Vexel


    What's up everyone, I'm Vexel, I game on both the PC and the Xbox One and have been looking for a site to join that's gaming related outside of clan sites. I was browsing around the xenforo community and found the thread for this place and I figured I would check things out. Hard to find a worth...
  4. \\Vexel

    Design to Inspire

    Design to Inspire