• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

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  1. Hidden308

    What are you listening to?

    Forever - Amber Pacific
  2. Hidden308

    General Chat Thread

    How's it going for everyone? A hot day out there here!
  3. Hidden308

    Pokemon - A dying series?

    I played Pokemon when I was little. I still don't see it dying anytime soon the younger community of gamers still enjoy it and I know I still would if I was 10-15. :P
  4. Hidden308

    PC Mini Games

    Eh, I don't play, nor have I ever played, games like those. I see them fit for kids or people that are very, very bored.
  5. Hidden308

    How long do you play each day?

    That's a lot for a console to me. I couldn't stand it for 2 hours a day.
  6. Hidden308

    Pokemon - A dying series?

    But as the older fans die out (not literally..or literally..), not too many new fans are coming in. That's how I see it anyways.
  7. Hidden308

    Best Forum Software

    I love Xenforo! The best part honestly to me is the ACP I love how easy and simple the ACP is compared to other forum software ACPs. I also love how easily it is to customize I would say customization in Xenforo is easier than any other forum software I have ever used. I pretty much used all the...
  8. Hidden308

    Do you die a lot in shooting games?

    Does this involve camping or just moving very slowly?
  9. Hidden308

    Zerg Rush In Google

    You haven't played it? I bet you could find a guest pass out there. It's really one of the great games of all time, IMO.
  10. Hidden308

    Black Ops 2 - Nazi Zombies

    So it's certain that there is Nazi Zombies on Black Ops 2? Hmm..this should be..interesting.
  11. Hidden308

    Lone Survivor

    Haha nah. I just haven't really ever been into them. 2D games don't appeal to me either.
  12. Hidden308

    IGN Error 404

    Check this out, http://www.ign.com/404.html Just giving people a taste of what Diablo 3 is a lot of the time. :)
  13. Hidden308

    How do you get your music?

    I enjoy getting the CD cases a lot of the time. Many of them look really awesome..well the cover art does.
  14. Hidden308

    Your Rig

    Those are some pretty nice graphics cards. I can't wait to get my new one!
  15. Hidden308

    Lone Survivor

    Are you a afraid to see freaky things? :P
  16. Hidden308

    Lone Survivor

    I hadn't ever heard of it before until now. It's on Steam, so it could be good. But I am not into 2D games nor horror games.
  17. Hidden308

    Lone Survivor

    Here is a link to a few pictures and information about it. Lone Survivor Has anyone played this? I been tempted to buy it and try it out it looks pretty good for a horror 2d type game. :P
  18. Hidden308

    GW2 Stress Test

    I know it! I'm not sure if I'll participate though. Diablo 3 has already consumed me!
  19. Hidden308

    GW2 Stress Test

    Thats cool can't wait for the next BWE! :D
  20. Hidden308

    Spec Ops The Line

    Jeesh that's coming right up! The name itself reminds of me Call of Duty.