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Search results

  1. How2Earn

    Building my own computer (kind of)

    Shoot, I guess I missed that part. Well, I could always buy one. But other than that, you think this is a good deal?
  2. How2Earn

    Pokemon - A dying series?

    I loved the original stuff, and the first 151 pokemon, after that, I kind of just gave up with it all.
  3. How2Earn

    Will you buy the PS4 straight away?

    I might buy it, It will depend on the price of it, and the compatibility though.
  4. How2Earn

    PlayStation 4 Rumors

    I guess im a BIT excited for it, but I mean common, the Ps3 isnt that old yet, theres still much that can be done with it.
  5. How2Earn

    Online or offline?

    I always either play online, or via system link with a lot of people.
  6. How2Earn

    Black Ops 2 - Nazi Zombies

    Well, I guess its not certain, but I would assume Treyarch would have it again, its a pretty big seller I would assume.
  7. How2Earn

    Console vs Handheld

    Consoles, handhelds give me a headache after a while, althought I do have to say, the pokemon games could keep my occupied for days.
  8. How2Earn

    Using Cheats

    If they have cheats, I use them, just for teh lulz. It makes things more interesting, especially in the GTA games.
  9. How2Earn

    WHY do you game?

    I hardly ever game by myself, when ever I do, its always with friends. I do enjoy gaming with my friends though.
  10. How2Earn

    How many gaming consoles do you have?

    At the moment, I have a NES, SNES, Xbox 360, PS2, Nintendo Wii, Gamecube, PSP, Gameboy advance and a 3ds.
  11. How2Earn

    Domain Host

    Im still on GoDaddy, I have my hosting through them too, so I get good discounts for domains.
  12. How2Earn

    Whos getting Call of duty Black Ops II?

    Ill be getting it just for Nazi Zombies to be honest. I love that game, and I play it with all my friends.
  13. How2Earn

    Building my own computer (kind of)

    So im buying a DIY combo from Newegg, and I want your guys opinions. Here are the specs. Keep in mind, this is a casual computer. FX-8120/EVO 880G/4GB/1.5TB SuperCombo Complete EIGHT-CORE DIY Solution w/ CrossFireX Technology Ready Here is the link for the full thing...
  14. How2Earn

    Kindle Fire

    I have a kindle and I love it, ive read on Nooks and Kindles, but I love the Kindle so much better. The screen is easier on the eyes in my opinion. Also the books are fairly cheap.
  15. How2Earn

    Black Ops 2 - Nazi Zombies

    So, who else is as excited for the Nazi Zombies portion of Black Ops 2 as I am? Its the only thing in COD I actually enjoy doing to be honest.
  16. How2Earn

    Melee - Better than Brawl?

    I like the multiplayer part of melee better, and the maps too. But the story line of brawl, and all the neat features makes it better in my opinion.
  17. How2Earn


    I wont be getting it, Im content playing it casually on my PC thank you very much. And I dont need to mod my xbox to get the minecraft hacks either :P
  18. How2Earn

    Super Smash Brothers Brawl

    I actually loved this game, the story line and characters and all. It was the whole reason I got a wii in the first place actually xD.