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Search results

  1. zeedollar

    Longer or shorter story modes?

    It has to be a long story line. The more complicated, the better for me because i love solving hard missions and feeling good with my achievements. Where as short stories are less entriging and sometime might look like less value for money spent.
  2. zeedollar

    witch is better?

    Playstation has evolved over the years and has certainly become a better platform than xbox, at least to me. Or maybe because i play mostly on playstation than on xbox. The PS4 is certainly a monster in its own right and would trade it for any xbox.
  3. zeedollar

    Favorite PS2 Game?

    I played lots of games on PS2 but the one a i always kept going back to was Pro Evolution Soccer and Resident Evil, love those game alot. But i no longer own a PS2 anymore, i have moved to better advanced stuffs.
  4. zeedollar

    Teamwork?!! Only way out!!

    Cool, but don slip. That was some really amazing game just too bad am not online.
  5. zeedollar

    Final Fantasy VII Remake for PS4

    This is good new i must say, do you know if it has been out already? i will definitely like to get my hands on that one. The high definition would really be something, just bring it on already.
  6. zeedollar

    Best tower defense on Android?

    Kingdom Rush was an addictive one for me back then. It was really diverse in so many way with different game plots and enemies. the graphics was also pretty impressive. Myth Defense was not all that bad too and i really enjoyed playing it.
  7. zeedollar

    What's your opinion of "Freemium" Mobile Games?

    Those freenium games can suck sometimes but they are indeed effective strategies that have been deployed by various game developers to make money, because come to think of it they also need to sustain their team and other expenses. I have been made to but some certain features in games just...
  8. zeedollar

    Blog on Forums?

    I think vbulletin has such feature but i cannot ascertain how useful it is to both the forum owner and user, If you really need a blog, its pretty easy to setup a blog these days on WordPress in less time that making a cup of coffee.
  9. zeedollar

    Windows 10?

    Since switching to windows 10, i have not looked back since, the OS is really amazing and simple to navigate. I personally love the security upgrade that was added to it. and Cortana can be really helpful in assisting you with any issue you have.
  10. zeedollar

    What I hate about pc gaming

    Lol... One game bores you, you just switch to the next game in few clicks, just close and open a new one. I must agree with you here, there was a time i would sit on my PC for almost 8 hours without moving and it didn't really do good to my health. These days i just set a timer on my screen to...
  11. zeedollar

    I want to buy a pc

    Sorry for the news, but i advise you get a new one in whole and not piece by piece to avoid using the wrong accessories for a different system. look out for a Toshiba product, they are real performers and a good spend for your money.
  12. zeedollar

    Last Mobile Games Played

    I just play Marvel Future Fight, You guys should definitely check that one out. Made by netmarble and one of the best graphics i have seen in a while though they charge for everything from upgrades to uniform, you can still enjoy the game with your favorite characters to choose form. Recently...
  13. zeedollar

    Xbox 360 Did your Xbox 360 freeze if you played too long?

    The 360 froze a lot, especially when i have gone around 4 - 5 hours straight. But the never version are more stable and i haven't noticed any issues yet.
  14. zeedollar

    Favorite Xbox Game

    On Xbox, i do strictly FIFA, i love the gameplay a whole lot and almost for two years running it was the only game i ever played on Xbox. maybe i will try some other games when next i get my hands on an Xbox, i hear Halo is really good too.
  15. zeedollar

    How much money?

    I haven't spent more than $300 - $400 on my console, i try to also watch the amount i spend to avoid money problems, if i really need any gear i just get from my friends who already bought one or i will pay a lesser amount online to acquire a used one.
  16. zeedollar

    What is your favorite horror game?

    We i downloaded the walking dead back then it was free on the Google PlayStore, i do not know about now. But sincerely i didn't enjoy the game play back then and it was zero scary. just deleted it after some days.
  17. zeedollar

    Own/Owned An Android Phone?

    My current phone is an android and my first too, i had always been fascinated about windows phone, really cant say why maybe because am a Nokia fan, So thank God for their new android phone that are about to hit the market, will surely be getting one for myself.
  18. zeedollar

    What Phone Do You Have?

    I own an Huawei Media Pad, an awesome tablet i might say and good screen width when i do gaming on it. I actually got it on my last birthday and it has served me well i must say, The power could take me over 2 day without charge which is simply amazing to me.
  19. zeedollar

    DC Universe Online

    I haven't played it yet but anything DC i will certainly be checking out. Just have to use my favorite DC characters is a compensation enough for me. definitely trying this one out.
  20. zeedollar

    Your first online game?

    Am not actually a fan of online gaming but i think i play spider first online, i prefer to just stick to my PC or console games. but these days online gaming has really improved with some good multiplayer games out there.