• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Eagle

    Music Taste

    Basically heavy metal.
  2. Eagle

    For the uninformed.....

    But which one means White Power?
  3. Eagle

    Should I make a bf3 platoon?

    There would be no rules and stuff for joining bc I suck at bf3.
  4. Eagle


    A concentration camp.
  5. Eagle

    What are yall opinion on this?

    I say we bomb the shit out of them.
  6. Eagle

    Star Wars Battlefront 2 trailer was leaked

    Honestly it looks like mustafar to me.
  7. Eagle

    Star Wars Battlefront 2 trailer was leaked

    So far the possible maps are: Endor, naboo, starkiller base, hoth, takodana, possibly mustafar All 3 eras are basically confirmed.
  8. Eagle

    Daredevil Ban request

    Ingame name: 2nd Lieutenant Daredevil Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:60623662 Reason: Being a douchbag in TS, bitching about paratroopers, harassment, too young, hasn't killed himself yet
  9. Eagle

    Ban the person above you

    Banned for homophobia
  10. Eagle

    My secret plan for 327th revival.

    1. Take a long loa from 212th 2. PK myself and join 327th 3. Become leader of k company 4. UNLEASH KARNAGE 5. MAKE THE 327TH GREAT AGAIN
  11. Eagle

    I want to die

    I want to die
  12. Eagle

    The new Star Wars Battlefront in a nutshell

    So basically
  13. Eagle

    If this thread gets to 20 posts i'll give out my phone number

    I'm serious.
  14. Eagle

    Dank Memes

  15. Eagle

    7 Earth Like Planets

    Send the liberals there.
  16. Eagle

    New Overwatch Hero

    >tfw you don't play overwatch
  17. Eagle

    How Order 66 Really Happened.
