• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

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  1. Naiwen

    List Of Xbox GamerTags

    For Gawd's sake yes, I swear to God, yes!
  2. Naiwen

    List Of Xbox GamerTags

    Nice big list eh?
  3. Naiwen

    Blog on Forums?

    How much is it then eh or oi? Just asking!
  4. Naiwen

    Toxique Signature

    ya have to get honest eh or oi?
  5. Naiwen

    Toxique Signature

    Well said, well toned, though a wee harsh!
  6. Naiwen

    ProTechModz Signature

    Shabby akshully, take it eh Sir? Anywhow: a work of genius or art!
  7. Naiwen

    ProTechModz, 14,000 Posts/1,900 Threads

    yeah yeah lets lets or Omg!
  8. Naiwen

    Retired Couple Trolls Police

    lawl yes, for Gawd's Sake or pit's Sake yes yes! Lulz I had, or lawl!
  9. Naiwen

    Christmas hating cat

    Hes soo sweet n cuteee!
  10. Naiwen

    Blog on Forums?

    yeah yeah; exactly or Hummm! thats what I've been asking about eh! Or oi oi!
  11. Naiwen

    YouTube Video .MP3 Conveter Shop

    It might be a shame or a pity if it gets taken down eh?
  12. Naiwen

    ProTechModz, 14,000 Posts/1,900 Threads

    Why not eh? let us aim for it!
  13. Naiwen

    Blog on Forums?

    I meant no offense Sir or Miss, but I don't fancy the idea.
  14. Naiwen

    vBulletin 3 Variables List

    Oh really, how cool or how rad guys eh?
  15. Naiwen


    Oi oi or salut dude! Or yo!
  16. Naiwen

    New Youtube Layout?

    *Shrugs*; Don't care*.
  17. Naiwen

    Christmas List.

    I want some of them ASAP. Or Godspeed! Merry Xmas everyone from the Ukay!
  18. Naiwen

    Facebook Cover Photo Rate

    A work of art yes eh?
  19. Naiwen

    Favorite Xbox Game

    "tales of Vesperia", yeah yeah hihou, mmm, dululu....
  20. Naiwen

    Really Pleased

    Duh indeed, but I have gotten in fact: 10 posts on mine blog, Sir!