• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. YellowTrain

    You can be one champion for a day, who do you pick?

    If you could be any champion for a day, who would you be and why? I would want to be Kha'zix or Cho. Being some creepy monster for a day seems cool to me lol.
  2. YellowTrain

    Favorite Skin?

    So there's a favorite champion thread but not a favorite skin thread! What's your favorite skin? Personally, I really like all of Anivia's skins, even though I hardly play her.
  3. YellowTrain


    Is CS:GO worth getting? What makes you want to play it, and about how many hours do you have in it? I used to be a fan of games like Crossfire and GunZ: The Duel, and I was wondering if CSGO was anything like these?
  4. YellowTrain

    Hey all!

    Hi everyone, YellowTrain here! Just joined and thought i'd say hi before entering the rest of the forums. Hope to have an opportunity to talk to everyone :)