• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. globulon

    The NES best retro console ever?

    I would say its the best retro console just because it was so revolutionary and got so many people into gaming. I know there were many other earlier consoles, bu the NES would have been most people's entry consoles. That and there were so many absolutely good games on the system!
  2. globulon

    Which is your favourite RPG from the 16/24 bit generation?

    In my opinion, Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger stand the test of time. The sprite-based graphics of those two games were beautiful. More importantly, they had awesome story lines, characters, and gameplay mechanics. I'd gladly play those two games over many current RPGs.
  3. globulon

    Who uses a laptop for gaming?

    To each their own, but I don't see the appeal of using a laptop for gaming. To get comparable specs of a gaming PC on a laptop costs nearly two or three times more. Also, if I'm in the mood for a hardcore gaming session I'd prefer to wait until I get home so I can play for hours. I wouldn't...
  4. globulon

    Bioshock Infinite

    Thanks for the write up, it was a good read! I admit I played the first BioShock but couldn't finish it. The gameplay just seemed quite repetitive. I'm tempted to go back and finish it just so I can play BioShock Infinite!
  5. globulon

    Can a Youtuber Affect Game Sales?

    Popular YouTubers, like any celebrity, can definitely have a huge impact on game sales. There are a lot of people who are easily influenced by star personalities, especially in the demographics of teens and young adults. To be honest, YouTubers often provide an accurate review/representation of...
  6. globulon

    Do you consider mobile games to be "gaming?"

    Yes, why not? I get tons of entertainment from mobile games, almost as much as I do from PC games. They may not be as complex, but often they are just as fun if you want a quick break! Jordan brings up a great point too. I've owned tons of gameboy games and current mobile games can be...
  7. globulon

    Is PC really master race?

    With the customizing capabilities of the PC, it'll always be steps ahead of any consoles. The development of new graphics capabilities and graphics cards is incredibly fast. Even if a console has state of the art graphics at one stage it'll be outstripped within months, and I'd rather replace my...
  8. globulon

    Do you pay for games?

    I mostly purchase free games but I won't hesitate to spend $1-2 to purchase a game that has high recommendations! Where I draw the line though is in-game purchases. I refuse to spend an extra cent to speed up the game or unlock new content.
  9. globulon

    Opinion on Early Access?

    I agree, the concept is great in theory. Why not pay a reduced price to have access to an interesting looking beta? You contribute to the game's development and if you love it, even better! You'll get a deal when the actual game comes out. Unfortunately, in practice I don't think I've ever...
  10. globulon

    What is your favorite free-to-play game?

    It'll sound stupid, but the free-to-play game I must have spent the most time on is Minesweeper! It's just perfect when you don't really feel like a gaming session or are just multi-tasking.
  11. globulon

    Now that the Steam Winter Sale is over, post your hauls and how much you spent!

    Picked up State of Decay and Space Rangers HD for a really cheap price! Lot of Indie games really tempted me, but I already have so many untouched games in my Steam library. Unfortunately, no big name games really stood out for me despite the cheap offerings.
  12. globulon

    Invent your dream PC game.

    Please become a game developer and make this game! My dream game would also be an open-world sandbox. Maybe a space-based one where you explore different randomly-generated planets/galaxies. A person can dream!
  13. globulon

    How much are your Steam Games worth?

    I've got a fair amount of games, most of which was purchased during sales events. So my library is approximately $200-300. Admittedly, I've probably only played 10% of the games I own. :)
  14. globulon

    Do you think GTA V is too violent?

    That's awesome! There's no question that the violence in GTA is way over-the-top and comical, but it is what it is. Like Mackmax mentioned, it's almost the identity of the GTA series. There's nothing wrong with that, and that's why the Mature rating is on the game!
  15. globulon

    I think the worst part about terraria is that there's not universal data

    I agree with you, it definitely was a pain when I wanted to continue playing on one world on different machines. There is a slightly pain-in-the-ass method of transferring characters between computers though. Transferring your player (.plr) file in Documents\My Games\Terraria\Players between...
  16. globulon

    Is Destiny worth getting?

    I was one of those skeptics that kept hearing about the repetitiveness, bugs, and lack of any clear story line. It's stopped me from buying it, but after hearing from you guys, I'm re-considering. If a big part of it is about grinding for the best loot, that's something I definitely enjoy. :)
  17. globulon

    PvE or PvP?

    PvE definitely. There's just so much content to explore, which you can do on your own. PvP sounds insanely fun but it also sounds incredibly stressful to me! I definitely don't have the gear to be nearly a match in any PvP fight.
  18. globulon

    How much play time on your main WoW character?

    My longest played character would have to be my hunter. I've only logged a year on that character though. I definitely wasn't as hardcore a Wow player as some of you guys!
  19. globulon

    Disney Infinity

    Thanks for the reply, Ridge. That sounds like an insanely cool system. I guess it can only get better as the Infinity community grows and more content is created!
  20. globulon

    Disney Infinity

    I haven't tried Disney Infinity but I've seen it everywhere in the electronics section of department stores! It looks like a pretty innovative idea but I'm still not sure how it works. You buy different characters, but does each character's story line take place in the same universe? What...