• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. S

    Using Cheats

    I used to use cheats on Game Boy a lot (remember GameShark?), but I don't think it's as popular anymore now on the modern consoles. I rather play the game as it was meant to be played.
  2. S

    New Linking Park Single

    1 more day, can't wait.
  3. S

    Best nintendo console

    Game Boy... so many memories.
  4. S

    Minecraft on XBOX

    Like Joe, I'll probably check it out once the "real" edition comes out. I'm honestly not that into Minecraft though, and can't understand why people like it so much.
  5. S

    Wireless or Wired controllers

    Wireless, cords are too annoying. The only bad part is having to replace the batteries in the middle of a game.
  6. S

    What sports do you play?

    Checkers. Um, I mean... basketball. I don't play on a team, but I like shooting hoops to cool off sometimes.
  7. S

    Most visited website?

    Hylus, Forrst, YouTube, Hulu, Trello, Google. Although, I never actually use the "Most visited" tab.
  8. S

    Pokemon - A dying series?

    For me, it has. I think that they should've stopped the series already instead of making Ash stay the same age forever now... but seriously, it was a great game/show but I have no interest in keeping up with all the new Pokemon. And when I tried the newer games, it just didn't feel the same...
  9. S

    General Chat Thread

    Nice weather we're having today.
  10. S

    Android or Apple

    Android because you get more choice, customization, and better integration with Google's services. Plus I feel like the UI is way ahead of Apple's iOS.
  11. S

    Wii U

    The name is stupidly funny, but the concept is pretty cool. It's basically a hybrid of a console and a handheld. It's still not so appealing to me though, I want them to release a better Wii or DS (or both?). Kinda feel like Nintendo hasn't been very successful lately, but the only thing they...
  12. S

    Xbox 720 Codename: Durango

    Xsphere? I can't wait to see what Microsoft comes up with next, though. I'm pretty happy with the current Xbox 360.
  13. S


    I don't but the PS Vita looks really nice. I believe it can play PS3-quality games on it which is crazy.
  14. S

    Do you own an iPod?

    I just use my phone with the Google Music app. A lot easier way to manage music IMO.