• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

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  1. T


    i tried it i just couldnt get into it... was to boring and thats saying alot cause i play evony lol
  2. T


    anyone else here play evony? i currently only play on 150 and have one of the top players on that server. anyone else a evony addict?
  3. T

    The PS Move

    i have a wii and hate it i doubt i will ever invest in a move
  4. T

    Favorite PS3 Game

    god of war 3 and really the whole series is a great game. love it
  5. T

    Will you buy the PS4 straight away?

    well the ps3 is caable of almost lifelike graphics so the ps4 would have to have something amazing to get me to even consider it
  6. T

    Do you wish your old PS2 games worked?

    yes i had to rebuy god of war for the ps3 cause of it pissed me the hell off
  7. T


    quicker would ask who doesnt play battlefeild lol
  8. T

    How long do you play each day?

    honestly i play about 2 hours a week. but i work 15 hour days so it kinda gives me little option
  9. T

    Favorite PS3 Game

    it would be skyrim if i owned it but right now its fallout. skyrim with guns lol
  10. T

    Will you buy the PS4 straight away?

    if the rumors about no used games are true i will not buy a ps4. used games are a huge part of the market