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Search results

  1. yascaydeki

    Slender Anyone?

    Slender gives me a heart attack. My friends love to make me play it when we get together because I scream and freak out the whole time, and they think it's funny. It's a great game, but definitely super freaky. I don't know about buying it though, since the last time I played it was a long time...
  2. yascaydeki

    How often do you play?

    I play probably 2 games each day, sometimes 1 when I'm not feeling it. I'll play more if I do really good in those two games. Also, if my friends are playing with me, I'll end up going for way longer than I should.
  3. yascaydeki

    Favorite Skin?

    The Star Guardian Lux skin is my favorite. I'm a sucker for Sailor Moon, so when I saw that recall transformation I wanted to die. She looks like Chibi Moon, and it's perfect. Dino Gnar is pretty awesome too. ;)
  4. yascaydeki

    Why am I so bad at LoL?

    I'm there with you. I'm level 20 now, and I still feel terrible. I blame it on bad reaction time. I'm so slow, and I'm not very observant. I love playing League so much though. I just hope one day it will all click, and I'll get better. Lol
  5. yascaydeki

    What skins do you own?

    Sadly, I don't have many skins, but I gave in and bought a couple when first starting out. I have Heartseeker Ashe, Woad Ashe, and Heartseeker Vayne. Obviously, I liked the Heartseeker ones. Lol. I really want the Star Guardian Lux skin because I'm in love with Sailor Moon and Lux does her...