• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. jteezymob

    Best BF?

    To me, the best one is Battlefield 4. Regardless of the growing pains that it went through, it's still one of the most enjoyable first-person shooters available. Sure, the majority of your time should be spent playing the objective and helping your team win, but with so much to see and do, it's...
  2. jteezymob

    What's in your console?

    Right now, NBA 2K15 is in my console. I really haven't played it these last few months. It's just been sitting there collecting dust.
  3. jteezymob

    Worst console flop ever?

    I would say the Sega Saturn. My personal memories of the Saturn involve my longtime friend, Eric, who wanted a Saturn over the Playstation for Christmas 1995. I had got a Playstation in November of that year, and for weeks I tried to convince Eric to go with the Playstation instead. He was...
  4. jteezymob

    Do you consider mobile games to be "gaming?"

    Me, personally, no. I only say that, because you don't play the games on your phone as much as you would on PS or XBox. I've recently purchased NBA Jam and GTA: San Andreas for Android, and I only played them after I bought them. Now, if I'm playing any of them, I have to be extremely bored. If...
  5. jteezymob

    What's Your Favorite GTA Title?

    GTA: San Andreas is my favorite, hands down. To be honest, it's more relatible to me than the others. Many of the little annoyances about the previous GTA games were fixed with this one. For one, you can swim! Which makes it so much better. The story-line is pretty long and complex, but really...
  6. jteezymob

    Sorry Not Sorry.

    Sorry Not Sorry.