• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Bannon

    Dirty Bomb

    I tried it out a few months ago and really like it's feel of being a cross between CoD and TF2, making it a sort of gritty TF2. I'm just a bit annoyed by the card system and required grind to unlock all the classes. Gameplay was pretty enjoyable and the game modes though fairly standard, were a...
  2. Bannon

    Anyone familiar with AirMech?

    Yup. It's heavily inspired by Herzog Zwei but modernized and given MOBA elements.
  3. Bannon

    Anyone familiar with AirMech?

    AirMech is an RTS-MOBA hybrid where you control an AirMech, a transforming mech equipped with a variety of guns, melee weapons, and missiles where you move faster in air mode while capable of attacking units, outposts, and bases in mech mode. The objective of the game is to destroy the enemy's...
  4. Bannon


    For PC gamers, I think it's pretty redundant especially with home streaming making it possible to stream games to any device that can run Steam. For primarily console gamers though, it's probably exactly what they're looking for if they want to play some PC exclusive titles. It's definitely...
  5. Bannon

    When did you start playing Minecraft?

    Got into it around Beta 1.4. Redstone had just been introduced so I did a lot of experimenting with how to make circuits and secret doorways using whatever method was available. Oh and TNT cannons. Messing around with TNT cannons was a wonderful time. I actually haven't gotten familiar with most...
  6. Bannon

    Favorite PC Game ?

    Kerbal Space Program is the one game that I think I'll always go back to. I've always wanted to go to space and explore or engineer and build rockets to that you can pilot into orbit which is exactly what game does. It really helps that it follows actual real-world physics so you can really feel...
  7. Bannon

    Team Fortress 3 ever happening?

    Valve's inability to count to 3 aside, I don't think that TF2 will ever get a sequel. There's just been too much built on top of it as it is from all the updates of the past few years since going F2P, to the massive lore they've built that underlines the game, to an entire economy which ties...
  8. Bannon

    Any Kerbal Space Program players here?

    As an intro for those unfamiliar, Kerbal Space Program is a sandbox space program simulator where you build your own rockets, fly them off to space and other planets or moons, then manage all the funding and reputation you need to ensure that you can keep sending up rockets through contracts and...
  9. Bannon

    Glad to be here!

    Just joined this forum and I'm glad to see the wide range of topics covered. I hope to have some wonderful discussions here!