• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. R

    Developing Your Own App?

    Well it depends a lot on your starting point. Do you know anything about programming already or are you a total beginner? I would recommend at least grasping the basics (variables, arrays, loops, etc.) before you start researching app development.
  2. R


    Welcome to the forums mate!
  3. R

    Post What's On Your Clipboard!

    The king is a strong piece - use it ! - Rueben Fine
  4. R

    Important Read about PC Modding Section

    What about computer hardware mods? Like custom PCs, water cooling, cable management, etc.
  5. R

    Light or Dark Themes ?

    Personally I feel dark themes are rather gimmicky and unprofessional.
  6. R

    Snow ?

    No snow where I live (Toronto) and I'm hoping it stays that way, apart from the skiing I hate it.
  7. R

    Favourite Web code language?

    Its a hard question to answer because there are so many languages best suited for different things, but I must say I HATE using CSS. Although its fairly easy to learn the syntax, dealing little bugs that inevitably pop us is extremely frustrating.
  8. R

    The Best Webmaster Tool

    I find Google Analytics extremely useful, unlike AWstats it is better for geolocating your users and determining which is spam and which to target towards.
  9. R

    New Youtube Layout?

    I dunno, I think when YouTube makes the decision to redesign. Their primary goal is increasing video traffic and ad revenue. Even if that frustrates users.
  10. R

    Jokerr is at it again :P

    Does this guy do all rap videos? I've never seen him before, but it looks like it could be amusing haha
  11. R

    Is there money to be made

    I would be satisfied with $1 per month, considering domain registration is less than $10 per year. I also have some domains I'm not really using right now, how would I cash in on this?
  12. R

    Black Friday Anyone

    I prefer to do all my shopping online.
  13. R

    Christmas Giveaway - Acer

    Thanks dude! I just signed up
  14. R


    I've played both but as another poster said above, there aren't many tie-ins in terms of the story or characters so if you decide to just devote your time to Skyrim you wouldn't be missing out on much.
  15. R

    Some Nikes that I made

    Sexy! How many things do they let you customize? Is it just the colors or are there different aspects of the design also?
  16. R

    Favorite Amc show?

    AMC's The Walking Dead!! Or is Breaking Bad an AMC show? I can't remember.
  17. R

    Happy 12/12/12 Day !

    Grrrr you don't know how annoying it was to see my Facebook news feed spammed with these types of statuses.
  18. R

    ProTechModz, 14,000 Posts/1,900 Threads

    This is quite an accomplishment, I'm sure as a forum owner you're quite proud!!
  19. R

    Blog on Forums?

    I think the forum software you're thinking of is vBulletin. I'm not sure if it was a plugin or not but I remember seeing several vB 3.0 forums with this capability.
  20. R

    Oh my well uh you see children..

    Wow, I feel so insignificant :(