• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Siberian

    Game Shop v2.1

    That's awesome! Loving the new changes Jordan. Keep it up man!
  2. Siberian

    Scotty's Story Competition! #7 (Ended)

    Best of luck, my friend :)
  3. Siberian

    Scotty's Story Competition! #7 (Ended)

    This update happened towards the end of the summer.
  4. Siberian

    Scotty's Story Competition! #7 (Ended)

    You can't send steam games to others in different countries unfortunately.
  5. Siberian

    Scotty's Story Competition! #7 (Ended)

    When you can't gift steam games to possible Canadian winners :(
  6. Siberian

    J Here!

    Welcome to GameRebels J! Our topics tend to be on the gaming side but it'll be interesting to see your thoughts on different threads and posts!
  7. Siberian

    Hi, I'm Lucy

    Welcome Lucy, hope you find our forums to be to your liking! Enjoy your stay!
  8. Siberian

    Hi I'm Bell!

    Hey Bell! Great to have you on our forums. Hope you enjoy your stay!
  9. Siberian

    Any Suggestions On Best Detective Game

    I heard that Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments was pretty good. L.A Noire was another good one as well. Those would be the two I would suggest to you.
  10. Siberian

    Hello Everybody Out There

    Welcome to GR man! Enjoy your stay and it's awesome to see feedback from everyone on these forums. Say, what games do you play the most on your computer? It'd be interesting to see what kind of games you play.
  11. Siberian

    Powerlifting Meet #1

    Keep it up man! You're doing pretty good so far!
  12. Siberian

    Hi, I'm Miller

    Eh! Welcome Miller! Nice intro and I hope you stick around for a while!
  13. Siberian

    Cool Guy

    What is this? I don't even know how to properly reply to this! xD
  14. Siberian

    Hey Guys It's Me!

    Awesome hahaha xD
  15. Siberian

    Saying goodbye to amazing friends really blows...

    Saying goodbye to amazing friends really blows...
  16. Siberian

    How romantic

    How romantic
  17. Siberian

    The "how Did I Beat This As A Kid" Moment.

    That is the level I am talking about. Aladdin was extremely hard! Man... Back in our day, huh? Hahaha
  18. Siberian

    Are You Hyped For Battlefront 2?

    With their pay to win mechanic in the game, I'm not hyped. I probably won't get it, in all honesty. Pay to win is not how games should be, ESPECIALLY when you already need to pay for the game. Disappointed with that aspect but whatever gets them money.
  19. Siberian

    Hello, Hello, Hello!

    Hey there! I love cookies as well! Welcome to GR! I hope you find some nice things to do and chat about around here. What are the newer games you were talking about that you were saying you started playing? Maybe I play some as well haha.
  20. Siberian

    What Do You Think And Expect Of The 2 New Heroes Announced?

    No matter what game, I think new characters are exciting! I don't play Dota I'm sad to say but I'm sure those characters will be fun to play. I hope you enjoy them.