• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

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  1. ShadowWolf

    GoodBye <3 and Sorry

    Hey guys I'm leaving the community I know most won't care and would be happy for me to leave and I like to say I'm sorry for being a Big minge guess I just got way to bored and not really mature and I thought hey maybe if I was on forums more I will have more fun fun but as weeks went on I got...
  2. ShadowWolf

    Post your Desktop

    Your desktop is sexy as hell mine Windows 10 :p
  3. ShadowWolf

    Anime and Manga!!

  4. ShadowWolf

    Anime and Manga!!

    Anyone knows some good Anime or Manga to watch? So help me if this post get attacked with weeaboo replies lol
  5. ShadowWolf

    My recent experience on facebook.

    Hey... Can someone watch my came show ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. ShadowWolf


    it was pretty kool
  7. ShadowWolf

    ↑This guy is a stale meme↑

    ↑This guy is a stale meme↑
  8. ShadowWolf

    Three choices

    You since your in the military :p
  9. ShadowWolf

    Lazy Z

    Lazy Z
  10. ShadowWolf

    Anybody play Golf?

    I play a game that's kinda like golf you need two balls, one long stick and a tight hole ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  11. ShadowWolf

    Fry's 2nd Help Desk Staff App

    +1 f*ck age limits what really matters is how mature the individual is and I can say that Fry is pretty mature in my book and he can be pretty helpful!
  12. ShadowWolf

    Why not lol

    Why not lol
  13. ShadowWolf

    later gents

    Pac don't leaaave!!! FYI you should've made dis in community annoucement or halo section lol
  14. ShadowWolf

    Opinions On Crusade RP

    Crusade RP sound more funnier than HL2RP. I'm gonna be the most rapist,rude,murderous,untrust worthy bandit ever lol +1
  15. ShadowWolf

    When someone asks you to get on halo but then ends up leaving when you connect... Whelp guess...

    When someone asks you to get on halo but then ends up leaving when you connect... Whelp guess I'll be on for a couple of hours
  16. ShadowWolf

    Which is seen as the best Halo game.

    Halo fave is 20x better then dat shit game 3
  17. ShadowWolf

    Global Staff List

    I'm a Mod for halo and prophet is admin for halo
  18. ShadowWolf


  19. ShadowWolf

    Crusades RP

    Yeah I know I was just throwing ideas out lol
  20. ShadowWolf

    Crusades RP

    Hey why not have 3 towns/cities one town owned by the crhistans/chafloic, one town run by muslisms and the 3rd town in run by the jews or you can make it be runned by the Bandits. Basically 3 sides!