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  1. Tronikart

    Please someone tell me why it take years to develop a game

    So much more than just coding is taken into account, just the planning on the game, making something that brings in players and makes them stay playing the game, that takes some time, making the art too, there are a bunch of people trying to get the best out of them to create something new and...
  2. Tronikart

    Game Bundles

    Humblebundle had this Freedom bundle thing once, it was amazingly good, I dont even remember the amount of games it had, it was around $30, the most expensive so far I think, but it had amazing titles like Overgrowth, Subnautica, Human Resource Machine, The Witness, System Shock (Classic...
  3. Tronikart

    What was the first PC game you ever played?

    Wow this goes waaaaay back, it may have been T.I.M. (The Incredible Machine) but I barely remember it, I was too young still, the earliest memories I have probably are from Age of Mythology, I was obsessed with that game, is what got me into mythology and gaming, before that there are a bunch of...
  4. Tronikart

    Why do you like Overwatch?

    Fast-paced shooter with a lot of options to play and a lot of characters that dont even need you to aim? SIGN ME UP But seriously though, they got an idea and improved it so much, the gameplay is easy to pick up, because of the amount of options there are, you will find something that suits...
  5. Tronikart


  6. Tronikart

    PvE or PvP?

    A balance of both for me, for long I played a lot of PvP and mindlessly did some PvE but not as much raiding as everyone is used to, I played mostly on private servers so PvE was a bit limited. Fast forward some years and I got to play Legion as it was being released, I had a friend on a PvE...
  7. Tronikart


    Steam is certainly the standard now, no matter how hard other platforms try to fit in, theres no way they will dethrone steam any time soon, they have set the bar way too high, they have the bast majority of games and along with the sales, they will be the top platform for a while, the only way...
  8. Tronikart

    Current CPU?

    Hahaha haha ha...huh... Im still on an Intel Core 2 Duo E8400. I want to upgrade, but that means upgrading the whole motherboard, ram, GPU, probably PSU, and theres no money for all that
  9. Tronikart

    what's your gaming setup?

    Really old but it does the trick, have managed to play Fo4 and some other new games, so far DSIII is the only one that I havent managed to play CPU: Core 2 Duo E8400 GPU: EVGA GTS 450 RAM: 4GB Motherboard: BIOSTAR G41D3+ Keyboard: Logitech G110 Mouse: Logitech G700s Headphones: AKG K44 Its...
  10. Tronikart

    Do you still use PC for playing games?

    Hell yeah! And now even more that I bought a controller, thought it wouldnt do much but there are a lot of games that are way better with a controller that are not on any console, like Lethal League, also didnt think I would like that game as much but I do, its a lot of fun. Dont see myself...
  11. Tronikart


    Well, thank you very much for this, it seems like Im as old as MK3 so I didnt know about DOSBOX, I remember the icon on the desktop and it meant "Worms" for me, as my dad had it installed on the PC, but never knew what it was for, now that I know this, Ill go and try my luck on some old games I...
  12. Tronikart

    Do you prefer using a keyboard and mouse or a controller?

    I really love keyboard and mouse, it offers me some flexibility that Ive gotten through the years that I feel that Ive lost with the controller, Ive wondered around the idea of buying a controller for some time now but when I look back to the games Ive been playing and Im already well used to...
  13. Tronikart

    What GPU?

    Haha, oh boi, Im still on a EVGA GTS 450, still going strong and giving it all, letting me play recent games on low qualities without having to tweak them too much, I would love to have some money to upgrade the whole thing, but that means upgrading the Motherboard, RAM and CPU too, which gets...
  14. Tronikart

    What video game console did you spend most of your childhood with?

    My very first was the N64, I had tons of fun with Super Mario 64, Mario Kart, Super Smash Brothers and of course The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, loved them all and I still have it around, from time to time I plug it in and play those games once again, I know there are tons of emulators but...
  15. Tronikart

    What I hate about pc gaming

    The only thing I could hate about PC gaming is not even related that much to the PC gaming genre in general but to my economic position and where I live. I hate looking at new games and know that even if I get to buy them, I wont be able to run them, it kind of sucks, but my PC is from around...
  16. Tronikart

    Can a Youtuber Affect Game Sales?

    Oh absolutely, when they play it, they tend to include only the fun parts, because otherwise it would be a rather boring video. And when you see a 10 minutes video of someone playing a game and everything seems pretty fun, youll go and get it, no matter what. Now when you play it, the game might...
  17. Tronikart

    What languages do you know?

    Mainly Python and HTML, of course CSS comes along with HTML, but I have a never ending list of languages I want to know and at the same time want to get better on Python, I've worked with PHP but not sure how fresh is my memory on that one, same thing goes for Javascript. Last thing I tried to...
  18. Tronikart

    Has counter strike changed a lot since version 1.6?

    It has changed a lot, and it keeps on changing, the competitive scene is amazing and I enjoy watching the games, hoping that some day I get to play mildly better and not die instantly as I do. There has been some questionable updates but overall it has been improving more and more, balancing out...
  19. Tronikart

    Great Counter Strike Youtubers

    Womble womble womble womble! Man that man is great, he is not good at it, but his videos are gold, his friends are good at it, which makes it better, every video of him is hilarious, he also does other several games, highly recommended, his channel is SovietWomble.
  20. Tronikart


    Man I used to love the one I had, some antlers that I used all the time with pyro, they had bubbles and looked horrible, but hey, at the time I thought it looked funny and cool. I later sold them on the market to buy something for dota compendium stuff, so yeah, useless cosmetics turned into...