• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. E

    Guess the users rank below you

    Nope, it's not hero. Junior?
  2. E

    Keep the Story Going

    Afterwards he raped his mom too
  3. E

    New Desktop Rate Please

    It's fine. I'm not a CoD Fan Though ;3 Also why is it so small?
  4. E

    Heey, I'm Exposed

    I'm new to photoshop actually. IF you could give me your skype so that when i need some help i'll message you?
  5. E

    5 Tips for Choosing a Great Domain Name

    Thinking off a domain name isn't easy. Most people just rush to make a domain without even having any ideas for what the website/forum will be.
  6. E

    Heey, I'm Exposed

    Hello guys, Let me introduce myself first. My name is Daniel, also known under the nickname Exposed. :] I was born in the United States but i use a proxy to surf the internet. I am a dedicated PC Gamer... i do not like console systems (xbox 360, ps and so on) I play a lot of games but...