• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. GamerPerson

    what's your gaming setup?

    Processor Information: Vendor: GenuineIntel CPU Family: 0x6 CPU Model: 0x25 CPU Stepping: 0x5 CPU Type: 0x0 Speed: 2394 Mhz 4 logical processors 2 physical processors HyperThreading: Supported FCMOV: Supported SSE2: Supported SSE3: Supported SSSE3: Supported SSE4a...
  2. GamerPerson

    Xbox 360 Worth getting a 360 after all this time?

    I still don't like the idea of the Xbox One having to be connected once in a while to the net. What's the purpose of doing that? So, I say to go for the Xbox 360. Just avoid the ones that have to be on like the Xbox One. So, go for the one that are a bit on the newer side to avoid the RROD...
  3. GamerPerson

    PS2 Favorite PlayStation 2 Game

    If you JRPGs, get Final Fantasy X. I know many people argue saying that it was a horrible game, (all because of ONE 3 minutes scene! Come on, you're going to condemn a game over that? Instead of where your main character is a certain pink haired character we know that entertain the thought of...
  4. GamerPerson

    Worst console flop ever?

    You'd be surprised at some of the bad game consoles that came out. Anyone remember the Virtual Boy? Not really? Good, because you'd be walking around the room with a brick on your face, if you ever used this console. (I'm not making this up. It was the size of a brick that you put on your face...
  5. GamerPerson

    PS2 Do You Still Own A PlayStation 2?

    Glad to hear that you were one of the lucky ones, Qarnage. Maybe this only applied to the first released PS2's and the first released PS2 slims? I'm not really sure. All I know is, all I needed for my system to scratch up my stuff a few times to finally come to the conclusion: Not a dvd player...
  6. GamerPerson

    Game Rebels Official Console Vote

    Oh, no love for Nintendo? Kind of harsh. Anyway, I have to go with my PC. I go to the consoles, eventually, but only if I feel like smashing buttons as I control my characters and release my rage on the computer. However, with my PC, I can not only do that, but mod the hell of my games, as...
  7. GamerPerson

    SEGA Consoles

    Ah, Genesis. This was a classic system that brings back fond memories to me. With that system coupled with the Sega Channel, you could get virtually any game that you thought possible back then. Loved the service they offered and you could never get bored with it since you always got new games...
  8. GamerPerson

    What is your favorite free-to-play game?

    For me, it's two F2P games: Tera and C9. Tera was the VERY FIRST game to show me that not all MMORPGs are about auto attack. It blew my mind with the fact that your characters were able to attack and dodge at your command instead of you just sitting at your computer doing something else, as...
  9. GamerPerson

    Do you prefer using a keyboard and mouse or a controller?

    This depends solely on the game I'm playing. If it's something like Saints Row 2, then yes. I NEED a controller since that game wasn't made with the PC in mind, at the time. Trying to race in a game where you have to bad handling and can't make those slight turns at the drop of a hat; becomes...
  10. GamerPerson

    PS2 Do You Still Own A PlayStation 2?

    I wouldn't recommended using it as a DVD-player. I found out the hard way that after so many uses of that, it starts to scratch up any disc you place in thereafter. Of course, it's understandable to think it's capable of playing DVDs, since it has DVD player capability. However, that system...
  11. GamerPerson

    Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Horror Stories

    Ok, so when I got my Xbox 360 from my uncle, it was fine. Had it about a year at the time and it was great. I had long sessions of different games I liked and recently got the Soul Calibur IV. So, one hot summer, I played my game. Everything was fine, I played for a few hours and then turned it...
  12. GamerPerson

    Favorite PS1 or PS2 games

    The one game that is still fresh on my mind for being my first Playstation game was Soul Blade. I loved to play with the female characters because it was nice to see other people like me. I would twirl around and copy off of Seung-Mina, speaking a language I didn't even know. So, of course...
  13. GamerPerson

    PS2 Do You Still Own A PlayStation 2?

    I still own my Playstation 2, as well. I haven't booted it up in a few months, but I think the last game I played was an InuYasha one. The one before that was Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. However, the game that got me into playing it again was Final Fantasy X. I went on a binge of playing...
  14. GamerPerson

    Is the Wii U back in the console wars?

    I'm not even sure this is even a war. I'm confused as to how they weren't even part of this "console war" in the first place, all things considering they PREVENTED the gaming business from dying out. All the systems have their appeal compared to the ones from years ago - Virtual Boy and...
  15. GamerPerson

    This is GamerPerson! Coming at you live!

    Hello, people of GameRebels! My name is GamerPerson and I'll be one of your fellow community members starting today! I'm a gamer since I was about three years of age and my earliest gaming memories are playing Soul Blade and the old Mario games. I look forward to finding more about this...