Guardian said:
Icarus said:
Played the beta version of this game on the Xbox One when it was made available and I was not disappointed. It was the most fun I had experienced from a game in quite a number of months, and that was just the beta version with two maps! I then pre-ordered the full version of the game immediately after the beta version had experienced, and then purchased Premium once I received the copy of my game.
I managed to reach around rank 85 online before suddenly discontinuing from playing it completely. I haven't touched the game in at least a month, perhaps even longer. For no apparent reason as well, but I tend to do that with games and then never play them again. :?
So, essentially a great game but little to drive you to want to continue long-term?
I feel like most of the FPS games are like that now.
Pretty much that. It becomes repetitive because once you have enough cash to purchase your desired weapons and camouflages, you tend to stick with them and don't bother to work towards unlocking anything else, so the money continues to rack up and then you find yourself solely focused on achieving a higher online ranking, so then you begin to grind out on game-modes such as
Hotwire, where you sit in a vehicle and receive points the longer you remain alive and don't get killed. You don't even have to do anything; just sit there while someone else drives for you!
I have tried out some of the other game-modes, but they don't seem to offer the same amounts of experience points that you would receive from
Hotwire, and nobody on your team plays the objective so it feels pretty much pointless when everyone's more focused on killing each other rather than protecting/rescuing the hostages/VIP players, etc.