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Forcing Ganks


Active Member
Jul 26, 2017
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How does one actually force a gank, and is this a good idea?

Are there any times where it's a good idea to make a gank happen? How do you deal with people who say, " leave my lane alone I'm fine! "

I will usually honor their wishes, but as a jungler main, I think that it's the jungler's job to control the game.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2017
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I don't think that it's just the junglers job to control the game. Yes, you have a big impact because you can completely change the flow of each lane but overall, in a way, every laner also has to control the game too. I don't think that forcing ganks is the best idea because anything that's forced is usually bad... it might initially sound good; ''Oh, hey, let's tower dive this Irelia'' then before you know it one of you gets stunned by her E and you lose the gank. I much prefer getting a normal, safe gank from my jungler.

I've seen those people that demand you to leave their lane alone and I do the same as you. I don't see the point in arguing with them and trying to explain that I want to help them... most often they have too big egos and blame everybody else :D


Active Member
Jul 26, 2017
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Forcing ganks can be a good thing and a bad thing! Good thing is that you can have an advantage such as early level up, gold, or even destroy towers. Bad thing is that some junglers force ganks even when the lane is controlled causing all kills to go to them and not share to the main laners. Yes there are players who wouldn't like you to help. I would respect and leave them alone if I know that their lane is fully controlled. However, if I think they have difficulty, then I will definitely help. From my experience, one thing i hate is when i try to help the lane, they push me away. But when they had trouble for example they were killed/got us destroyed a tower by the opponent, some players blame junglers for not ganking even if in the first place they pushed me away :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:


Active Member
Jun 19, 2017
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Well, you have to be careful while you're jungling, I think it's the most difficult lane. To make a gank you have to be sure that it will be beneficial for your team, but remember that there's a probability that the enemy jungle gank the same lane as you. I think the best option it's so tell your team to play passive, so they'll never push, and you will have that open area to freely gank :)