Halo Reach is one of the action games that many people like to play. This halo is one of the newest ones out but Halo 5 will be on the market in a short time.

This action fighting game is rated for (M) players but all ages play as long as there parents let them like Graphics lol.
(The campaign)

Now out of all the Halo's this campain came 2nd on my list cuz it put you in the spot of the Spartans trying to fight for there planet. Once i first started the campaign, I was hooked and played it to the end then after that i put it on legendary and took it out i just love the experiences this game gives you.

The multilayer on this Halo top them all cuz to the great experience and quality of the game. One of the best parts is how more game modes were put in and the guns the new style of them put the game in to the game.
Thats it if u wont to know more got to www.HaloReach.com for more info.