Ooh Resident evil 4 and Crash bandicoot <3First game i bought with my own money was resident evil 4. I think it was around 30+ dollars at that time? idk i cant remember exactly. It was fun i finished it in 3 days. But the first game that i bought with my parent's money was crash bandicoot 1. Best money i've ever spent. Left me entertained for months on end.
I remember the 64bit era all to well, what a great time that was to be alive lolOkay, the first game that I bought with my own money, (and I was really happy about that that I could do so on my own), was "Three Eyed Boys" of the 64-bit videogame format. So basically it was a chip (as we call it here). The first CD that I bought for PC was GTA Director's cut. You know how cool that game is, especially the main character. So these were the first games that I ever bought.
(Gameboy color) talk about nostalgia huhThe first game I bought was Pokemon Silver for GameBoy Color, what an amazing game and era of gaming :3