• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by Papa John

  1. Papa John

    Sauce Boy™ "This is the autobiography of the S"

    Sucks to suck, but I still love you my dude. PS: I am in the Nova Troopers...
  2. Papa John

    Sauce Boy™ "This is the autobiography of the S"

    Ello, I play games. Lots of games. I like games. I moderate the forums. I like the forums. I am the forums... Forums. I love sauce. I really love sauce. Please god why did you place me on the earth. Is god real? The voices are saying no. Please not again. Why am I typing this. Why do I even...
  3. Papa John


    First off, da rulz of meme club if you no follow.....Fuck I don't know just follow the rules dammit. 1st RULE: You do not talk about MEME CLUB. 2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about MEME CLUB. 3rd RULE: If someone says "CRINGE" or gets DDOSED, log out and the MEME is over. 4th RULE: Only two...
  4. Papa John

    Good evening.

    Welcome to the forums my dude, enjoy the pure meme while it last ;)
  5. Papa John

    Rock Bottom

    Rock Bottom
  6. Papa John

    Bold and Brash

    Bold and Brash
  7. Papa John

