• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Jean-Luc Picard

    Translator : Jordan likes tiny dick @Jordan

    Translator : Jordan likes tiny dick @Jordan
  2. Jean-Luc Picard


    -1 no
  3. Jean-Luc Picard

    is endless networks dead

    good points i may have phrased it wrong but its losing players and its a issue
  4. Jean-Luc Picard

    0ld times

    what even happend to falcons and eights ?
  5. Jean-Luc Picard

    is endless networks dead

    Ok this brings up a topic when we began or at least i joined from axiom we got a community that had a great community the servers all did great and now that we have changed we went from 4 servers to 1 and 2 in dev that are most likely going to turn bad now im not posting this to cause drama or...
  6. Jean-Luc Picard

    0ld times

    Remeber this ?? @ParaDyce @Jog @Eights @Blisk @ASC i wish we could go back to these times
  7. Jean-Luc Picard


    die please (Jk) hope its all good
  8. Jean-Luc Picard

    @Jordan wanna get a drink dad

    @Jordan wanna get a drink dad
  9. Jean-Luc Picard

    ur dad

    ur dad
  10. Jean-Luc Picard

    Miles' Reduced Activity

  11. Jean-Luc Picard

    My secret plan for 327th revival.

    see this sounds a ton like you xd
  12. Jean-Luc Picard

    Todays My Birthday

    Happy Birthday :D
  13. Jean-Luc Picard

    ur adopted

    ur adopted
  14. Jean-Luc Picard


    Welcome User XD
  15. Jean-Luc Picard

    CSGO Competitive

    I recently got CSGO a bad player doe
  16. Jean-Luc Picard

    Wyvern's Resignation

    Bye xd
  17. Jean-Luc Picard

    Quantum Teleportation: Thoughts?

    Teleport can be very different but this has a high chance of being true
  18. Jean-Luc Picard

    Utilizing an expensive gaming PC to its full potential

    Do you like mario card or something because this is good
  19. Jean-Luc Picard

    Keep Aftershock

    I was never around in ASG but i honestly think it sounded like a good community so yes bring it back ?l:D