All the Pokemon games, no doubt about it.
They'll never bring back the Gameboy, the Nintendo DS was pretty much the upgraded version of the Gameboy hence why it was discontinued.
Heyo guys. Interested to see how your desktops are set out. I'll kick off the show with mine :D
As you can see I tried enlarging the new logo into a desktop size, some things didn't work so well, but for the main part it did.
Hey Jo, how's the turtle life treatin' ya?
You like games? I like games too! What games do you like?
~Yknow, that confused me more than it should have (still confused)
Anyways, welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy it here! :)
I've not set myself a challenge, but I have completed it 4 times now. I just love the game, it gets rather emotional at times which I liked, but didn't like due to the fact it made me tear up like a m'f.
It had a lot of hype about it pre-release, which seemed to suddenly dissipate. It's a good game, but it's easily nowhere as popular as it was within the first month of release.
The only MOBA games I've played are LoL & Dota, I did not like LoL one bit and found it quite boring. I found Dota quite fun to play and could play for a solid 5 hour period, although it does become boring after a while. Anyways, Dota's my favourite.
If it's practically guaranteed to be completed, I'm all open for it, gives the developers more funds to further progress their game. However if looks like it's going to be a flop and not completed I find it rather pathetic and an attempt at getting some quick money' I mean, it's rather easy to...