• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Squigly

    Steam Broadcasting Beta

    https://steamcommunity.com/updates/broadcasting So has anyone used this feature? So far it's still a little buggy, and not many viewers are using it, but it requires literally no set-up since it's all integrated into Steam. So long as you edit your permissions anyone can watch you broadcast any...
  2. Squigly

    Team Fortress 3 ever happening?

    http://us.battle.net/overwatch/en/ This is already being hyped as "Team Fortress 3" and coming from Blizzard I think it stands a chance of being an excellent game.
  3. Squigly

    Is this game still alive?

    Many people have moved on to Destiny I think. Matchmaking servers should still be populated during peak hours though.
  4. Squigly

    This War of Mine

    Has anyone tried this game? It's a really gritty game that explores all the difficult moral choices people have to make during the harsh conditions of war. While there are many war games I think this is the first to really explore the experience of noncombatants caught in the warzone. One of the...
  5. Squigly

    Destiny's backstory

    http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2014/09/17/destiny-may-have-a-brilliant-twisted-story-hidden-far-from-view/ So beneath the gameplay of the game there are all kinds of teasers which reveal more about the Destiny universe. One of the coolest theories is that the Guardians are actually...
  6. Squigly

    Now that CoD: AW is out, what are your impressions of it?

    Haven't got the game yet, but I've heard that many players are unhappy with the lack of dedicated servers for multiplayer. Despite this it seems that gameplay-wise it has surpassed most of the past iterations of CoD. Any thoughts?
  7. Squigly


    This would make for a nice desktop wallpaper, especially if you're into Rainmeter customization like me :P Saved and thanks!
  8. Squigly

    What do you do when you can't get out of bed?

    Stay in bed then. Play on your phone/laptop until you're tired/hungry, eat and sleep then repeat. #thegoodlife
  9. Squigly

    Overwatch Trailer, definitely a must-see. An upcoming epic FPS from Blizzard

    Sickest trailer I've seen in a long while, almost could pass off as a animated film. Gameplay wise I think it might resemble TF2 a little. Signed up for the beta already, hoping that I get a key :P
  10. Squigly

    Game you can't stop playing

    I'd go with games which offer a lot of replay value, with every game being different from the last. So typically MOBAs like DotA, TCGs like Hearthstone and other multiplayer games like CS:GO and Mario Kart.
  11. Squigly

    What is the #1 most played song on your iPod/phone, etc?

    The Scientist by Coldplay :D
  12. Squigly

    Anyone tried the Evolve Big Alpha?

    FYI it's available to anyone who owns XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Also there are many free alpha keys being spread around. Having tried it I guess it's pretty fun, but I feel that the monster has the much greater advantage. I dislike the fact that we are all confined to individual roles, being able to...
  13. Squigly

    What TV shows are you watching now?

    Is Big Bang Theory still good? I dropped it a while back since the quality seemed to have gone downhill quite a bit. To be honest Sheldon is the one carrying the series, I would probably have stopped watching earlier if it wasn't for that character.
  14. Squigly

    Typewriter Art. Very Inspiring

    I saw this video a couple of years ago, still very touching and amazing to see it again. I have nothing but respect for this man, he looks so happy as he overcomes his disabilities to produce such incredible works of beauty.
  15. Squigly

    How Many Hours Wasted On GTA?

    Probably ~80 on GTA V, still have many sidequests to clear. I feel that GTA V is second only to Skyrim in terms of sheer content. It will probably take me another 100 hours or so to 100% the game.
  16. Squigly

    What are you doing for Halloween?

    I'm screening a Halloween movie marathon! (No R-rated stuff though, since there are minors watching :P)
  17. Squigly

    Do you consider mobile games to be "gaming?"

    True, many mobile games are extremely casual, and often ruined by microtransactions, but ultimately they are still games. As long as some people derive enjoyment from playing it I believe we have to recognize it as such. (As much as I despise Zynga...)
  18. Squigly

    Steam Halloween Sale!

    Lots of heavily discounted games, perhaps a sneak peek for Winter Sale goodies to come :P https://steamdb.info/sales/ My top pick would be Transistor at 50% off, as a huge fan of Bastion.
  19. Squigly

    Sunset Overdrive dev explains choice over 900p instead of 1080p

    GLORIOUS PC MASTER RACE, 60 fps should be the norm ffs. Damn consoles holding us back, with 30 fps ports if they even come out at all... :mad: つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIFF DESTINY FOR PC
  20. Squigly

    How much play time on your main WoW character?

    I think around 180 days total? Quit around 3 years ago though. :P