• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Hux

    Call of Duty WWII

    I've been a huge fan of COD, especially when I was in secondary school around the times of MW2 and World at War, used to cycle home/run home as quick as I could to play it! I used to love it, all the way up until Black Ops 2, when I started to get a bit bored of the series. I own the Infinite...
  2. Hux

    What do you all do for a living?

    Thank you! That seems great man, sounds like you're really enjoying it. I'm wanting to head into web & cyber security as my main choice when I finish university, I've always got website development on the side which is good also, sort of like a back up and something that I enjoy in my spare time.
  3. Hux

    Hi, welcome to Game Rebels!

    Hi, welcome to Game Rebels!
  4. Hux

    What do you all do for a living?

    Just to get to know other members a little better, what do you all do for a living? I'm currently full time at university studying an applied computing degree, just finished my foundation degree and now about to start my masters degree in September. I'm also a part-time sales assistant in a...
  5. Hux

    Has anybody played Outlast 2? What are your thoughts?

    That's the one thing I'm awful at, is when I get scared, you just run, and it's so difficult to get a sense of direction when doing so! I've completed Resident Evil and it was brilliant. It seemed to get a lot less creepy towards the final parts of the game though and just didn't feel very scary...
  6. Hux

    At what age did you get your first console/PC?

    The PS2 and original Xbox were my first major consoles. I've had a Wii and GameCube during that time too. Must've been about 8 or 9.
  7. Hux

    Forum Rank Badges

    My bad, I didn't realize you were using the GR currency..
  8. Hux

    Are there any games you can play over and over and never tire of?

    At the moment at least, I'd probably say Rocket League, gets repetitive, but every time I go downstairs and make a tea, I'm straight back up playing again lol.
  9. Hux

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  10. Hux

    Second year of university complete, now for the finals!

    Second year of university complete, now for the finals!
  11. Hux

    Has anybody played Outlast 2? What are your thoughts?

    I've been playing Outlast 2 quite a bit lately.. safe to say it's scared me quite a few times. What are your thoughts about the game, if you've had a chance to play it? I like it, a lot actually, but it doesn't feel like the old Outlast and its DLC. Finding it quite frustrating the fact the...
  12. Hux

    What games do u play on steam

    At the moment, just Rocket League and occasionally Depth & GTA V. I've been playing a lot of games that I haven't purchased through steam lately such as Outlast 2.
  13. Hux

    Do you still Play Minecraft

    I haven't played it in a year or two now, I tend to get quite bored of it quickly, probably because I don't enjoy it as much as I used to. I would like to start playing again!
  14. Hux

    Game you can't stop playing

    My friend from university has this game and says it's insane! I'm looking to purchase soon but at the moment I'm playing Rocket League again.
  15. Hux

    Forum Rank Badges

    Nice work but personally, I think the prices for these are a little too steep though as they are plain backgrounds with some text on them. Maybe try and be a little more creative with the design or follow a tutorial for various techniques? Which program do you use?
  16. Hux

    Greetings from Philippines

    Hi, welcome to Game Rebels. What do you play on? We hope you enjoy your stay here :)
  17. Hux

    Anybody Still Coding?

    Not at all confident with the language, can only build certain simple programs as I'm still learning, I've been learning for around 3 years now but I find it so difficult for some reason.
  18. Hux

    Anybody Still Coding?

    I'm currently going into my finals at university and I've been learning HTML/CSS, bits of JS and PHP and a lot of C# and C++. I really enjoy coding and building websites and most of my knowledge is from home as I do it in my spare time. I'd like to know a lot more about other web languages etc.
  19. Hux

    McDonalds vs Burger King?

    I love both, but because I drive I prefer McDonald's because they have drive-thrus.
  20. Hux

    Good Staff Application

    I've ran a few different forums myself and I mostly look for traits like dedication, good use of grammar, and also maturity. Dedication is key as you don't want to have a member of staff who isn't going to be active or who isn't likely to stick around. Good use of grammar, and well spoken is...