• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. kittyworker

    Last Mobile Games Played

    Found Hearthstone on android really great lately. I was a regular playing on PC and being able to play mobile is awesome! Other games I've played quite a bit are Plague Inc and related games.
  2. kittyworker

    Why do you think Minecraft has become so popular?

    I think from the early days the way Notch engaged with the community really helped develop a cult following for the game. It also was at a time where there wasn't any other games really of its type, this really helped it establish its position. The impact of Youtube and Social Media is without...
  3. kittyworker

    Steam Workshop

    I see that people get quite creative with the designs! C'mon your design isn't too bad, quite a nice contrast of colors I think!
  4. kittyworker

    What's Your Favorite GTA Title?

    Can I say all of them? GTA V I feel took GTA to the next level. Yes San Andreas and GTA IV were awesome games, although Rockstar has kept up the progression of quality and features which makes GTA V the best in my eyes.
  5. kittyworker

    Does anyone still play Tibia?

    I remember when I played the game first 8 years ago and I thought it looked outdated then! All good things may come to an end eventually.
  6. kittyworker

    Steam Workshop

    Has anyone checked out the Steam Workshop for your favorite game? You could be surprised with the selection of mods! Has anyone made a mod on the workshop? Feel free to share it! My favorite has to be the Synergies Mod for Torchlight 2.
  7. kittyworker

    Kitty here

    Hello everyone, Called me kitty, not worker. Former 60 hour a week MMO player turned casual gamer here. Pretty much tried every mainstream MMO and RPG out there. Currently playing Hearthstone, Prison Architect on PC, GTA V and Madden on PS4. Great to be part of the community and looking forward...
  8. kittyworker

    Can a Youtuber Affect Game Sales?

    YES I remember a developer saying when their game was covered by Totalbiscuit they received over a 3x increase of sales on that day alone! When these developers take down videos etc. it always doesn't make sense to me as it is pretty much free marketing for them.
  9. kittyworker

    Rumors of a move to FTP

    I haven't had a chance to try ESO but have always been interested in the RvR combat. If it went F2P I would of course try it, but it really depends on how the business model is whether I stay or not. They could either go the micro transaction route mentioned or have free vs paid members with the...