Honestly, whenever I play Battlefield I enjoy it more than any COD I have played recently (since BO2), but I still tend to buy COD instead on a yearly basis just because I find it easier to jump into - I have to concentrate less.
I've only ever used WIndows just because it is pre-installed on my computers and seems to have better developer support because of the large market share.
My stance is that premium is something that you buy out of passion for the community and willingness to support the maintenance of the site, not something that should be purchased just by posting enough. Its not something that is needed and should be taken as a way of keeping the forum online...
I think people will still play AW, you can still find games on Ghosts which is thought to be the worst game in recent years, however it may be harder to because of the BO3 beta taking players away sooner. I'm not sure, personally I haven't seen a need for DLC with AW - not really seemed worth...
Bethesda had a perfect conference - everything they showed went straight in at the top of my list of things that I want to get my hands on. Both Xbox and Sony had some strong performances too. I'd say it was one of the better E3's in recent times.
I don't have the camera on my PS4 and I do not feel as if I am missing out on anything by not having it so it isn't something I will go out and purchase - not even sure what it would be used for.
Good updates, I love the live Favicon thing because I often keep forum tabs open whilst doing other things so nice to know when there is some activity.